Thanks for the input, but the up arrow changes to all caps, but no backslash. If I go to the numbers selection, the forward slash is there, just can’t find a backslash. My wife has a bluetooth wireless keyboard and I may see if I can get it to connect to the KM2 PLUS.

Connected the bluetooth keyboard to the KM2 Plus and was able to enter the correct path, but for some reason, SMB is not connecting to my desktop PC. Identical path and address as my other TV (KM6), but it just doesn’t seem to want to connect. Back to the drawing boards.

Tivimate updated to version 5.0.0
Just noticed this today if anyone is interested.

Thanks for the update. I’m Still on 4.7.0. I’ll have to keep a watch for this.

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Hey Papa what device was that on and you notice any difference?

Just had a look in Google Play Store and tivimate update was ready to be installed

Tivimate has been updated to version 5.0
available on apkmirror
TiviMate IPTV Player 5.0.0 (5002) APK Download by Armobsoft FZE - APKMirror

haven’t had time to test yet but hoping it fixed system picker in android 12

update: just as i thought,this update does fix the system picker option on the newer android 12 and up so you can choose to record video to an external drive where the previous version wouldn’t let you,i guess the dev heard us,yea!


Was just getting ready to post this. Hope there are no hiccups from 4.7.0.

-So far, only a few settings like the ordering of groups reset to “by name”. I had to go and manually select “by playlist” to get my TVBoss customized group order again. Not a huge deal so far.

I got it from Aurora appstore, it’s a little different. I checked in Tivimate and it was saying 4.7.0 was latest update. That was on Buzzx5.

Tivimate update to 5.0. It states UI improvement and bug fixes.

Tbh, I don’t see any UI improvements or changes and have no clue what bugs were addressed.

Anyway, the Tivimate owner has pushed out this update.

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He/She prob pushed out this update due to certain individuals complaining about no recent updates and thinking of possibly trying out formulers iptv setup for something new. not,…sure , just a guess :joy:


From what I can tell all the UI improvements (changes) are cosmetic.

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What cosmetic changes? The only thing I have noticed is now when you highlight something in settings it has a white background with the button in bloack. Is that it for the UI Improvements?

Lucy Shrugs


The channel groups on the left are more spaced out. The menu to the far left looks spaced differently to me as well. I didn’t say they were needed or even better, just all I noticed so far lol.


Really? I’ll look again. lol



I really don’t think you can win this argument. Powerfader will get his Formuler no matter how much Tivimate tries :crazy_face:


Tivimate owner be like… :point_down:

Teasing rabbit


Yeah my TVmate went to 5.0 this morning. No difference except the recording appearance I lost the card type style is just all one color on lines. He just threw the 5.0 out there to shut up PF.


Squeaky wheel…?


Could be, squeaky wheel always gets the grease! LOL