Wonder if Exoplayer got a update within the app lol

Mine went from my light blue background to a complete black “dark mode”. Even trying to change the background colour I can’t get the “light blue”. All colours are “dark” Oh well, just have to get use to it.

Or maybe the app will expire from playstore if not active for a certain date range?

In case of dormant accounts, Google plans a stringent take. It will close all dormant accounts, which have been inactive for over a year. These include accounts of developers who have not uploaded an app or visited the Play Console within a year’s timeframe.

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It’s true. Both my newer FireTV 4k max (32 gigs) and the older CUBE gen 2 can now record to external USB attached via cable.

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So added USB storage now shows up in the “File picker” and you can create or access a folder for recordings? That’s huge. Tx.

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Other noticables…

On problem channls… new error resolve prompts in bottm rght corner with retry/info & options… pretty cool

example ppv chnnl

Also addressd the PIP on sum devices, it used to thro you bck to homescreen once you change chnnls after using PIP… issue resolved

The no guard rails in the guide is nice…

I’ll miss my color selections tho…

…au revoir

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I have some free macs I got from of another website that would buffer about 10 seconds every minute 1/2 now after the update those free macs are working great no buffering at all . So for me I have seen big improvements .

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If you haven’t found it yet, go to appearance then background color. It’ll change it’ll change the colors of your channel program. I always had access to USB drive. I would have never been able to record what I record now without the USB access.

Oh I did that immediately. The colours are no longer as vibrant as they were. They are all dull with a heavy “Dark Theme” emphasis. I tried about 10 different colours and all were “dull”. I’ve always had USB Access to my 128GB EVO SSD as well on the Shield Pro. I record the wife’s soap opera daily.

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Yeah you’re right the color scheme is a little different. I went with a teal.

I still cannot record by name only. It will only record by date and time. I like it to record by name only. So when I put NHRA to record it record it no matter what time NHRA plays

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Does anyone know how to keep the FireTV from going to sleep while running TIVIMATE? Its actually important now that recording to local USB works.

  1. turn off tv and Firestick sleeps.
  2. leave tv on and TIVIMATE records at set interval.

No one knows. The exo player is 1.5 years old and way behind the curve by now.

The 5.0.0 was a BS update just to keep Tivimate active in the Playstore. Apps can get deleted from Playstore after 12 month being inactive.

It was at the 12 month time frame lol

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Well if TiViMate can easily record to usb drives in droid 11 and up without issue and have access to the Sytem File Picker, then I certainly wouldn’t call it a BS update. Just that alone is huge IMHO.

Probably you right.

I was expecting more like Timeshift for one.

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So if you’re running the Tivimate on the buzz5 box, does it do the automatic EPG update since the buzz5 box doesn’t do it but every 6 hours on there software? Not happy with the software in their box at all, and thinking of installing the Tivimate

Never had a problem with epg updating using TiviMate. :+1: You can choose how often in settings.

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Yeah just about ready to give up on the buzz box EPG updating system, and I guess I’m going to go ahead and install Tivimate on that since it works so great on the fire stick

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OMG! Spock is playing the piano! LOL