We have updated our popular IPTV Guide. This includes every detail you need to know about live TV.
We suggest bookmarking this page as we include the most popular services, apps, players, and much more.
I will also add it to a pined topic as well.
Thanks team
Edit, you can find it in iptv category with the tivimate video.
Hmmm. So it’s my understanding we are not allowed to talk about paid IPTV services here correct? Why is that if the above is being posted regarding paid IPTV Services? What am I missing here? TY
The main site operates differently. You can link this above link to anyone asking about iptv providers. We cant just go on disscussing them here openly on the insider. The insder isnt ment to discuss them. If the mainwebsite has more news or info then it can be linked.
Its safe to link to troypoint.com
I still am not understanding what the difference is? So you are saying that paid IPTV providers can be discussed on the Main site but not here? I guess I’m looking for the reason why? What makes this site any different? I’ve never understood this and just trying to understand why? TY
We dont want any copyright issues on the insider which is why we avoid it on the insider. We can also privatize sections of the main site to avoid google indexers if needed.
The insider is not ment for iptv discussion, when we had it open last with the iptv shop it triggered some issues which is why we stopped it. That link above wont be an issue here, but if we where to stsrt linking and discussing providers on here again it raises flags. This may not fully answer your question and i apologize, so i will just say, we cNt discuss them on the insider period.
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So you can have copyright issues here that you can’t at Troy’s main site? That doesn’t make sense. The way I’m looking at this is you are able to post a Document from TROYPOINT site here that lists paid IPTV providers. It’s okay to have them posted in a document that is then reposted here but it is NOT okay to talk about them? I don’t know but I’d like a more detailed response or one that makes sense. Thank you
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Im not going to give you anymore responses on it. For anyone looking for providers, see the link and use the mainsite.
The admin can use the insider to promote what they see fit. Its mainly to remind users to use our .com site to find everything we need, as this insider is more open ended for discussion we dont flood our insider with open ended convos and outside links to providers, the outside links to such providers in our insider causes issues.
While using our insider please follow those posted and highlighted rules, thank you.
Also, as long as we keep all links regarding iptv use within troypoint.com we will be fine
okay…No worries you don’t need to throw the Rules and Regs at me. We can just agree to disagree on this Thanks for the responses.
Yes of course you can. Thanks for asking.
My opinion, main site mentions legit paid and free IPTV service providers. A discussion on IPTV in any forum is more than likely that someone will name check or link one of the many illegitimate IPTV providers [ those £60 a yr services that offer Premium channels without a licence] and thats where the problems start.
That is Not How I am understanding the Rules re: paid IPTV Providers here… My understanding is that there is to be ZERO mention of any IPTV Providers including the Paid IPTV Providers in in the Guide posted here.
I say this because I’ve seen Specific Mention of the Paid Providers in 3.1, 3.2 (you can open the document and see the provider names - I’m NOT going to mention here I don’t want to get banned) and other numbers in the document contained in the first post of this topic and have seen responses directed at the poster who mentioned the name of the IPTV Service that it is against forum Rules to mention Paid IPTV services including the ones listed in Troy’s Guide posted here in this Topic.
This is the whole reason for my Posts.
But have you ever seen mention of a non-licenced IPTV on the main site?
The fourm site operates differently than the main website. I have mentioned this already.
The fourm site will just be clustered with to many issues with providers attracting attention from unwanted sources. @KingPro mentioned this as well. The insder isnt public, i dont need people signing up for us to be flagged for providing unlicensed stuff becuase people are linking iptv providers.
“unverified” IPTV services are the unlicensed ones I believe. If I understand it correctly.
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My point has nothing to do with licensed vs non-licensed. We are NOT allowed to mention ANY Paid IPTV Providers. Not sure why you are clouding that up with licensed vs non-licensed. If that was the policy then I would understand and we would be able to mention those licensed IPTV Paid Provider’s in Troy’s guide. BUT we cannot
We can talk about providers who offer legal services which is also been stated by me 100 times
Any talk of legally obtained material is fine
Copyright laws. Most providers do not have legally obtained licensed allocations so yes it matters.
Thank you Dracco! This is the information I have been asking for. If you said this from the outset it would have saved us both some of the back and forth because the initial reason did not make sense. Gotcha now!
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My apologies, i have mentioned this so many times i assumed you read it or saw me say it. Again sorry for assuming that. Im glad we could reslove this. Thanks for inquiring. Didnt mean to sound rude.
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okay and this is my last point on this I promise. and bear with me as I am newer to the IPTV world than that of KODI. If the unverified providers are the unlicensed ones as @Miki posted above, then why does Troy mention 25 of these in his guide? If Unlicensed providers are a shady category why are these being mentioned and posted here?
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