Originally published at: IPVanish VPN Supercharge Guide
This video will teach you how to Supercharge IPVanish VPN. I will show you how to configure settings, maximize download speeds, and become alerted if your VPN ever disconnects. Click Here for $5/mo Lifetime Discount This is a legitimate $5 per month lifetime discount and you aren’t required to pre-pay future months or years…
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Interesting that after members made note of IP Vanish ripping off current users and providing nothing special ¹ in their service above their competitors, that all of a sudden they are now offering special pricing. I think Troypoint should not align themselves with companies, but stay neutral as they do on all other reviews they have posted about products/apps.
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For me, best video ever. I have been wanting a tutorial on iPVANISH for some time to maximize my download speed. Thanks Troy!
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Hello @richlibel65 there is a simple way around this. Register for a new account with a different email address. Also, have you reached out to their support staff about this? In the past I have told people to do this and they gladly add the new discount to the end of your plan.
You should read the posts under “Suggestions for VPN”. I still don’t understand your unwavering support for IP Vanish unless there us some sort of relationship with them. Professionally you should be non biased. I’ve never remember you comparing the different VPN options out there.
Otherwise, I think for all of us collectively you are providing a great service though and thanks for everything.
When you click the $5 a month link, it takes you to a over $6 a month deal. Not cool. It costs more to pay in advance? How stupid.
I agree with other commenters on this post. While I greatly appreciate what Troypoint does, this site needs to stop promoting IPVanish, perform objective reviews of other services and maintain objectivity. Like many others, early on I subscribed to IPVanish based solely on price and Troy’s recommendation. But there are other VPN services out there that should be reviewed.
Some how Troypoint has to make a living too. He does an amazing job for everyone. People want everything for free and dont want to do alittle research on there own. Keep in mind that when cut the cable cord you are saving so much . Do not begrudge others that work so hard.
I have to agree with @bnthot regarding Troypoint’s need to generate revenue. He is the reason why I was able to cut the cord, save lots of money, and have access to vast amounts of entertainment. He keeps us informed with his newsletters and provides this forum for us to share information and voice our opinions. I’ve recognized and accepted his affiliation with IPV since day one. Also, products he reviews and provides links for purchasing also generates revenue. My enthusiasm for IPV has waned considerably and I’ll likely move on when my current subscription expires. And the steady promos of IPV, the pop-ups, at times are a bit much. But I brush this aside because Troypoint has bills to pay, too. Perhaps if he just came out and stated, hey I think IPV is a great product and I have a business affiliation with them, hence I promote them but you guys use your own judgement and shop around on your own. Just come out and state it. It doesn’t matter to me, I just appreciate all he’s done for my household. This is just my opinion and I respect the opinions of all who participate in this forum.
Special thanks to @r_higginbotham and @bnthot this is the only service/product that we endorse exclusively. I strongly believe that every cord cutter should use a VPN and that is the one consistent variable that most of us have in common. I want to remain consistent and be able to provide tutorials for one service. When I start promoting all kinds of other services it is difficult to 1. Stay current on tutorials and 2. Provide readers with a true recommendation on WHAT I PERSONALLY USE. And by the way, here is my affiliate disclosure on the Website. Affiliate Disclaimer - TROYPOINT: Tech Tutorials On Firestick, Android TV Box, VPN, IPTV, Streaming, & More I will continue promoting IPVanish exclusively until something happens that makes me change my mind on that. I personally haven’t had any problems with IPVanish in the 5 years that I’ve used it. If you guys want to use a different VPN, there are tons of reviews and guides out there to view. This is the ONE area where we will stay exclusive until I have a reason to do otherwise. Thank you.
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Troy, I want to thank you for all you have done for me personally and the streaming community as a whole. As a huge fan/follower I had issues with IPV (and personally have a few posts on this topic ) however understand we all have to make money and after reading you SC Guide your alignment with IPV makes complete sense. After reading the number of subscribers/followers in conjunction with their locations WW you need to provide a broad solution to fit the needs of folks around the world. Thanks again for all you do.
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