I went with the great deal for Premiumize in November as well. I’ve heard from some friends that there are limited RD feeds for Cinema these days. I’m more of a Syncler guy lately however having options is comforting. I can’t imagine life without the streaming options Troy has enlightened me to!


RD is suffering from severe retribution syndrome. Since they basically stated they have no problem throwing their customers under the bus if any copyright issues arise, it’s time to put them in the rear view mirror. They actually canceled my APK codes a full month before my account expired.
I’ve switched to Premiumize and will never look back, as you should also.


Why not be honest and take the hit? It all comes back in the end, somehow it’ll work out in your favor.
Honesty is the best policy!


RD celebrated the 16th birthday the other day, the oldest and probably the best Debrid service.



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I’m glad they got through puberty!


Glad that you like RD, but being the oldest does NOT make them the best. Your opinion as to them being the best is therefore subjective.

Most things in life are subjective but they do have the biggest cache.
I find more content using RD.
I can access to more servers on RD
I have lower latency using their servers.
Definitely the best for me.

cake isn’t subjective, everyone likes cake. I think lol


You can keep the cake, I just want the icing.


Cake is in the category of moist things but definitely not in the category of most things.
Everyone should like cake and definitely with a bit of icing on top…


I had RD before the problem & chose to sign onto a couple of the streaming services for 2 months. Now I’m back on RD, I find RD slow now, more clicks to get a good source…the service is not what it was. Has anyone else noticed the same problems?

I use the KODI Umbrella Addon with RD and sources come back Lightening quick. Fastest Addon I’ve ever seen. I suspect the Coco Scrapers might have something to do with this


Yes the CocoScrapers are very quick for me also with Fen light.

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So bottom line: RD is back & workin , is that right ? I went w/premiumize but didn’t request any refund cuz only had bout a wk. or so to lose. So I’m guessing I can probably hook up again w/same email. Whatta you guys think ?

Call me crazy, but can anybody say Hagen Daz Chocolate ???


Once the devs implemented the api fix on addons and apps it was working well within a couple of days. Kodi being first and apps slightly later.
It continues to be main Debrid service.

From the sounds of it, you should be good to go. It appears that the RD folks got a bit testy when they were asked for a refund. It was kinda like “go away or I will taunt you a second time” :grinning:

…and yes I can say Hagen Daz Chocolate. :grin: but I usually add “PLEASE!”


Yep, gonna give em 1 month test flight or I’ll just keep PM or maybe both RD is cheaper tho. & Forgive me “please” , I grew up in barn