Looking for advice and suggestions for expanding memory on 4K Max.
I went wired internet via a LAN adapter and lost available USB for attaching my Flashdrive. I’ve seen a few options for LAN adapters with USB hubs, does anyone have experience, preference or recommendations? Also which external memory options are best? SSD or flashdrive etc? And suggestions with a link to a UK seller would be appreciated.



For a fire stick probably nothing to much. They have low power, id use a sandisk flash drive.

Please review this for all firestick issues and guides, if the following hasn’t worked feel free to ask.

This should resolve most to all issues.

Above are links and suggestions

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I used smart utube, it has a lot of info on the subject. Search SUB on FS .

Thanks for replies. Anyone have a recommendation for a LAN adapter with USB ports, I’d appreciatte it before the thread closes. :+1:

I have two of these. They work great with no problems:

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