I know people tend to be down on amazon but they have never not refunded anything ive returned…evah :crazy_face:

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Just think of all the money you’ve saved by returning all that Amazon stuff.

It’s kinda like a person afflicted with Bulimia.

Eat/Purge, Buy/Return. ,a vicious cycle of gratification followed by remorse.


I love the TiVo stream 4k, Chromecast with Google tv 4k or the HD version, Nvidia shield pro,


If $180-$200 is within budget, this is a no brainer for sure. I agree with you.


If you have a Best Buy card or Amazon prime you can put it on best buy card or use monthly payment plans from Amazon I haven’t paid full price for electronics in years I get them on sale, best buy account or Amazon payment plans

I am always confused, amazed and amused when we talk about paying $200 for top line streaming devices while not even a blink talking $2,000 for TVs. Nvidia Shield Pro too expensive for your Sony TV? :rofl:


Go BIG or… go home :joy:


True $$$$ you save on cable pays for it in 1 month


boy guys i am so undecided i was thinking maybe i would get both the km2 plus and the x4plus then i thought well if i am going to spend that kinda money then i should just buy the Nvidia shield pro thanks for all the advice guys i guess i will have to sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings

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fyi, if your going to spend that much, go with the best, :+1:

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I agree with Ron I bought my first shield when they first came out and I am still using it in my bedroom and bought a newer version for the main TV and love them :+1::grin::v:

If ya’ go the Shield route… :saluting_face:



If you had to pick between a km6 and the new fire tv cube, which one?

I’ll break it down by specs. Obviously, those that like FireTV will say Cube and those that like Android/Google TV will probably go KM6. Here are the facts.

-The 3rd gen cube has the best CPU, possibly the best in any box. At least equivalent if not faster in some tests than the Shield Pro.
-But Amazon stupidly coupled it with 2GB of memory (KM6 4GB).
-The Cube has 16 GB storage but seems to be easily expanded. The KM6 has 64 GB, and still able to be expanded. Not much need really with 4x the storage as the Cube.
-Both support wifi 6, but Cube goes to 6e which will be the new standard at some point. Not many things at all support this yet.
-KM6 has a gigabit ethernet port, Cube only has 10/100.
-Both support AV1.

MECOOL KM6 Deluxe Android TV Box Review, Tips, & Tricks (troypoint.com)

3rd Gen Amazon Fire TV Cube Review – Could Be Better (troypoint.com)


If you go amazon the choice is easy, new cube(not old), if ya want android tv or stock android the selection is very big.

3rd gen cube. Easy to return if needed. Lots of knowledgeable support. Quick delivery. $125 presently. But AMD makes some excellent points. 4GB of RAM is the main one I agree with. Plain stupid on Amazon’s part. On board memory is a non starter for me as I don’t record and even on my Max I never use all the 16GBs on the USB drive. I’m looking forward to getting one some day.


Whats the real performance impact of 2GB ram vs 4?


And if you go with any Amazon device and need to call customer support with questions, say hi to @Miki when you call as they forward their tech questions to him :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If you just do basic stuff with your box, I would say the performance difference will be minimal. If you do more intensive things, it may show a little more. I think the biggest part of it is the disappointment that Amazon could invest so much in an octacore CPU and then throw 2GB memory into their “best box” that is “twice as fast” as the Max. Between that and the non-gigabit port, it really turns me off to spend $139 (when not on sale) on this thing and I still can’t get around their launcher.


2gb is fine for streaming, the shield as powerful as it is only has 3