Thanks, I’ve read that article. I’m an old dog, Firesticks are a lot less expensive than what you’re using. So can I get away w a 4K max for a few more years? And what’s the point of getting and otg cable and memory stick, if you can’t load apps like Kodi on them?
If you were going to get a Max, wait for them to go on their $39 (or hopefully less) sale. The way Amazon is going, shutting off adb, etc, future updates could really hinder the cordcutting that we talk about in these forums. If it were me, I would get an Onn Pro for almost the same cost and start getting used to Android TV. It has the extra storage it sounds like you need already built in, and you will be ready if the new Amazon OS devices lock us down. But even if you went with a new Max that is on sale, you are out only $40 when you decide to use it to hold up the shorter leg of your dining room table.
I just looked, they are on sale with coupon code for $34.99 now.
All-new Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max streaming device
edit: $34.99 was for yesterday (6/2) apparently, $39.99 today
4K Max was last years model Fire OS 8 4K Max is the new model and has more internal storage. As far as Amazon goes, they’re no different than google.
Thanks for all the feedback. So what’s point of having the 64g memory stick? Will the 4k max w built in 16g memory function better than that? Because it’s newer stick?
Yes it will perform much better than your old stick. The only reason I ever set up firesticks with added memory was for recording.
Ok. Should I still keep my 64g memory stick attached to the 4K Max, 16g stick?
Wow. This is so difficult to follow. If you have a 16GB 4K Max then you have the latest Firestick with Fire OS 8. the picture you posted, clearly shows Fire OS 6, which is definately not a new Firestick with 16GBs of storage.
So I just bought a 4K max firestick. Do you recommend me reloading my programs on it, or should I be loading onto external memory stick. You had mentioned apps like Kodi to be put on firestick. Just asking for a guide to what I should load on to what? Thanks Tom
Any apps that you use on a regular basis or that are resource intensive, like Kodi, should be on the Firestick.
If you have less than 16gb of apps and aren’t planning on recording, I would not use the external and put everything on the stick. I used to have external storage but did away with it. Just too much of a hassle for what it’s worth…IMO.
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So is there a way to load apps onto firestick, while it has the memory,stick connected, and not have them go on memory stick? This is what I have now for memory setup.
when i hard wire my firestick to ethernet connection, the firestick does not recognize my external drive. when i remove ethernet connection, external memory is recognized. any ideas on how to have both available at same time? thank you in advance!
Myself and a lot of people here use USB storage and Ethernet I am sure, to do both you need a USB hub either connected to the OTG or a powered USB hub the connects directly to the Firestick power and supplies all.
My experience is not all USB hubs are equal, I use a powered hub with the USB stick and a Amazon Essentials dongle, works great. (I choose powered to power the, Firestick, USB stick, and Ethernet dongle but I have used unpower USB hubs too)
I did use a USB hub with a built in Ethernet port (cheap Chinese , a mistake) but it failed in a few months, Anker and Ugreen seem pretty decent but there are many vendors.
I use a Smays (brand) that plugs into the Firestick and power plugs into the hub, it has a built in Ethernet port but it’s 10/100 so I use the dongle for Ethernet.
Somethings to consider, if you have 1G Ethernet make sure everything supports USB 3 to get full bandwidth, USB 2 supports something like 480Mbs, for me, I have 200Mbs but my ISP supplies around 250Mbs. If you use a powered hub make sure your power cube has enough wattage.
Good luck.