Could the staff person who removed my post, please contact me and advise why my post was removed when i replied to a member regarding stremio.
And i only mentioned two add ons that have been mentioned numerous times by others on this forum.
I just need to understand the actual reason, because i do not believe i broke any “community guidelines”. And wish to ensure that, if i did, i dont make the same mistake again.
Thank you
Hello, your post was flagged by an Insider member and then deleted by staff as you posted an image of a copyright movie or TV show within an unverified streaming app.
Here are our rules and regs.
Do not mention copyrighted TV shows, movies, sports franchises (NFL, MLB, UFC,), etc. Do not post an image depicting the same.
Thank you for your help moving forward.
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Ok. Thank you for the information. I misunderstood where the line was, because Stremio is often discussed here.