I’m newish to IPTV so forgive me if this is a simple fix but, I’m using MX Player from the appstore on Cinema HD (FireTV Cube 2nd Gen / Firestick 4K Max). Oddly enough, when I start playback, there is no audio. I’ve read up on the codec issue but all I need to do is go to the “note” icon and select the track. For some reason, it’s defaulting to disabled. I assume that since I can enable it, I have the codec but it forces me to do this every single time. What could be the issue?


Hey spirit…

The codec is the hw,hw+,sd setting u c in top right (next to note), switch that & youll probly get sound…

The note is alternate tracks of audio…


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Yep like Sketch said pick hw+



You can go into mx settings decoder and turn off sw.

Please see this mega cinemahd troubleshooting guide.

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Thank you. That’s actually what it’s set on so must not be the issue

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Unfortunately that’s what it’s set on so must not be the issue

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