Unfortunately, not all apps allow us to move them to external storage. It only works if the app developer declares support for it within their code.

Here is a trick that you can use to move all apps besides Amazon system applications.


Not sure if this was always on the troy website but this needs to be pinned always on the top.


Infact these guide/videos should be pinned in each category on top of the topics. Just to help encourage people to watch them before making a topic.


Great idea. We will work on this over the next few weeks. Thanks for your input.


Great idea. I agree. So much can be learned and questions answered just by watching Troy’s vids.

Once you move your apps to the external storage (memory stick) what is the best way to update the apps?

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I bet you can apply his (trick) procedure in a similar fashion to Shield’s.

Great tutorial.

That’s a good question if the app itself doesn’t have an update feature included in settings within the app itself.

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I have a Firestick 4K, v6.2.xx, along with the Amazon adapter that has an ethernet connection and the micro USB connection. Can I add the OTG cable to that micro USB port, and will the storage expansion procedure work with the adapter?

How does the increase in storage on the firestick help when watching tv? Less buffering issues or what??? More available memory sounds good but not sure if I have a problem or not.

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The increase storage will not affect your buffering. It allows you to install more apps without filling the Firestick internal memory.

Thanks for the response. I am a TV and movie viewer, not a game player nor run other apps except occasionally,

So the problems I encounter are the spinning blue circle, error 404, and frozen screen. Any suggestions for addressing or understanding the root of these issues?

Appreciate the help and if they are addressed in an existing article, give me the url.

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Do you use Real-Debrid? It help me with buffering.

See Real-Debrid reply. I tried replying to your post, but I did it wrong and posted as it’s own post. New at this. LOL

Latest edition of Rufus is 3.16. I can only get LARGEFAT32. I don’t have a Mac. How do I convert to FAT32 using Windows 10?

Hello Nick. LargeFat is Fat32.

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