Use TDUK’s App Killer on the Playstore. I believe it will let you whitelist the apps that you wish to remain unscathed.
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I did. App killer worked. Used dns switcher with my vpn last night and logged on this morning to find that big G overlords DELETED my Stremio and Kodi apps right off my Onn overnight (I mean ALL OF IT). Gone. Even my vpn monitor dot app. No warning, no knock, no call, didn’t leave a note or anything, just virtually let themselves right in and took it all off while I was sleeping and left. And then they locked me out to verify it was me. Once I got back in I noticed everything was gone. Now tell me that isn’t f*ing disturbing as hell.
Wow! You think Google deleted apps on your ONN?
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All I know is it wasn’t me.
Sorry, I know the last posts are off topic here, but just FYI, we’ll see if this fix for deleted apps stands the test of time and overlords:
You bet, Play protect even removed a few of my apps. I’m not sure why it was on as I turn it off but once I did again, the reinstall was quick and never had another problem.
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I actually had already turned off play protect, but it ‘reactivated’ on its own because I didn’t realize I had to disable the Play Store. After I did that, all good. I realize my posts were probably a pretty noob/rookie oversight, so I sincerely apologize for that! Taking off my tinfoil hat too (for now).
Yes, Play protect in the play store needs to be turned off as well. Once that happens, you’re good to go.
Just to clarify Wizz, the Play Store itself needed to be disabled, not just play protect. Just disabling play protect wasn’t sufficient because the Play Store eventually reactivated it, until I disabled the Play Store app entirely.
I never did that. Play store is not only active but using the tool that Troy showed months ago, I have a shortcut to it if there is anything I should want. That happened to me quite awhile back so if it ever enables the play protect again, I would know as some apps would disappear and I will just disable it again. Failing that, Play store would go bye bye!
My experience is the same as Wizard’s, just turn off play protect, I prefer the play store enabled so the updates are handled.
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Not me, I’m keeping the play store and play protect off and I’ll manually update if I have to. And I’ll use a play store alternative every chance I get. I’m done allowing google to have carte blanc to spy on me and foul up my stuff without my permission.
You really think a large corporation like Google is spying on you and cares what apps you have installed on your device and says I see this person has this app installed, let’s delete it! LOL Not a chance anyone or anything is spying on your box
Yup Mark, Paranoia runs deep.
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Turning off the playstore does not stop the system from scanning apps. Even with the Playstore off you will still get notifications that updates are available, they just won’t auto install. I have mine off and check for updates every couple of weeks or so.
Mark and Tim, sure sounds like Google does care enough to go to the effort of disregarding your preference settings, taking control of your device, making changes without asking and locking you out of your account. Make fun and call me paranoid all you want, and feel free to give google whatever it wants from you, but I didn’t ask to be ridiculed. If this is what I should expect from this forum, I think I’ll stay away.
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Look I am not questioning that you are having some issues with your apps being deleted. I really hope you are able to avoid that in the future. I am just saying that no corporation or person is deliberately spying on you and purposely doing this. This is a whacky fast changing hobby and Shi$ breaks often. So yeah something is happening to cause what is happening. Nobody is purposely locking you out of your account or ridiculing you. I hope you are able to resolve these issues going forward
Simmer down @finale541, I wasn’t making fun of you but Google isn’t spying on you, nor is your ISP.
I wasn’t trying to insult you, do whatever you like. I am just another nobody on this site, my humble opinion shouldn’t cause you grief.
I don’t like how Google removes permission on apps that I haven’t used. I don’t like Amazon’s method of removing parts of apps that aren’t used. I understand why you don’t like Google meddling with YOUR device.
That’s not spying on you, having said that, do what you want, I didn’t tell you not too.
Please don’t take what someone else says here as being insulting. It is difficult to get a point across in txt. I have known @MarkxG for a while and he speaks his mind without filters, and personally, I like that, as you have no problem knowing what he is saying. So I take a thick skin approach and do my best to keep civility here and to welcome everyone with open arms. So take what others say with a grain of salt and trust me, if I see ppl being insulted, then I do handle it. If you feel offended at any time then PM me and I will have a look. I look forward to everyone’s input and hope that it helps.
Miki I guess I’m kinda disappointed that we have such different ideas of what insulting is, and I thought I was pretty much being the most civil here. Their remarks here were not only insulting, they were unnecessary and of no value to the original post, and their only intended point was to belittle, which they accomplished without any difficulty in txt. Miki you are free to like that kind of thing if you want, and I am free to be insulted by it if I want. Where was the suggestion to them that they take my comments with a grain of salt? And their subsequent replies would have been more appropriately handled via messaging vs public posts. Just because someone has been doing something for a long time doesn’t make it appropriate or invalidate the feelings of those its directed at. Mark and Tim, I don’t care how long you’ve been around here and if you have filters or not, I’d simply prefer to never hear from either of you again on any of my posts, and I’d be happy to agree to do the same in return. If that isn’t good enough for the three of you, then I will simply need to contemplate my future support of Troypoint and the forum.
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