I am sorry that you feel insulted but as I have got older I have learnt not to let people hurt my feelings or be insulted by them, especially people on the internet.
The only people I care about are my family and close friends and their opinions matter more than complete strangers that I don’t know.
People I don’t know can’t insult me because I just don’t care want they think or say.
I think you completely misunderstood me. I was not justifying what was said to you nor was I validating it or approving. All I was saying is that sometimes it’s difficult to understand the full intent of a post as it’s txt and void of verbal or visual input that would more clearly define the intent. And as far as civility goes noone said you weren’t being civil. Yes I have thicker skin then you it seems. As far as liking, that to me is insulting. I’m here to be the voice of reason and my recommendation to take comments with a grain of salt were aimed at you noone else. You also seemed to have misunderstood my comments regarding PMs. I simply meant that if you feel you’ve been insulted then rather than get into a he said she said with someone, you can PM me and I will take a look at the interactions and see if perhaps there was no intent to insult or to cause angst and perhaps some are being just overly sensitive or if in fact it violates our rules. I see you included me in the “three of you”, casting aspersions on my intent and chasting me, which is not a good idea. As far as threatening to withdraw whatever support you are giving to TP, you have to do what you feel is best for you.
I thank @Avid08 for their input and fully endorse their attitude and embrace it as it’s exactly how I feel. All of us should. So lets all of us move on and get back to helping each other. Thank you.
Miki you and I clearly misunderstood each other in the last exchange and that is the only thing I regret here. And yes this has gotten way out of hand, but only because Mark and Tim decided to make things personal and snide. And I just cannot understand how it seems I ended up getting pinned as the problem here and that I am considered the only one with thin skin. All I did was tell them I didn’t appreciate their insults. If everyone’s skin is so much tougher than mine why didn’t it just end there with no further response? And Miki I’m sorry but I’ve held you in high regard and respect since the day I paid to join insider and support this group, and I think you should know that, without question, and I still do. It was simply because you said that you “like” the way they interact on the forum that led me to state that you have the right to like that, just as I have the right to not like it. However, you are correct in saying that even if you like how they interact on the forum, it isn’t the same as saying that you condone what they said to me, so I apologize for suggesting otherwise. But I just have to say that it just isn’t possible to think there was any ambiguity whatsoever in how their remarks were intended or could be interpreted. An insult is an insult, and that fact just doesn’t change if the person being insulted ignores it or not. And someone can’t just “take it back” or pretend like it didn’t happen. I can take a joke from friends, but that’s just not what it was. And again, it was just unnecessary. I fully respect that as a moderator, you have the right to overlook whatever comments you want to for whatever reason you want to, whether it is comments like theirs, or replies like mine to say I don’t appreciate them. That is your prerogative and I’m not asking or suggesting that you do otherwise, or that you do anything really. I don’t care if you let it slide, but I just responded to an unprovoked personal insult directed at me in a public forum, and I’m the one that got dressed down by everyone. My grain of salt comment was misunderstood. It was just me asking why it shouldn’t also be suggested that others involved also take my comments with a grain of salt and have thick skin themselves, the same as was suggested to me. And I’m sorry if you misunderstood me about “the three of you.” It was just since the three of you were the only ones who kept responding and seemed to take issue with me responding to them that I didn’t appreciate their insults, I simply included you, as a moderator and commenter, in my final sentence to say that IF (not accusing, but IF) any of you wanted to reject my request to not interact with Mark and Tim in the future, just say so, and I would then consider how that might influence my further involvement here. That was all that was. Lastly, I genuinely don’t know if your “not a good idea” comment was meant as a warning that I’m going to be censored or something because of all this, but if so, please let me know. If not, no worries, no reply needed, I just want to be sure. And with all that said, I’m happy to move on, if that’s ok. I didn’t want any of this in the first place.
Again you misinterpreted what I said. I don’t condone what was said. I have no idea why you sucked me into your controversy. The comments you find agregious were not that severe or insulting. I don’t believe that was how they were intended. You didn’t get dressed down. I was merely responding to your comments aimed at me. I make no apologies for anyone. I looked at both sides of this discussion and found nothing overtly intended to insult anyone. Now my comment “not a good idea” taken in context simply meant that insulting me, which you chose to do, is not a good idea. I can’t and won’t sanction anyone for you. I have addressed your concern and find nothing wrong with what was said or how. Have a good day.
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@finale541, look, I am sorry to have offended you. I would hope you can except an apology. I personally think this has gotten out of hand.
Miki I’m sorry but I never asked you to get involved. I just responded to Mark and Tim and you came in. And I simply responded, and I thought I thoroughly explained my responses about what was being said to and about me with civility and tried to express the genuine respect that I have for you. And again, I also did not ask you to address anything, make apologies for anyone, or do anything whatsoever. Again, I never wanted any of this in the first place, so I’m sorry for that.
I had to step in when you leveled accusations. I was trying to help you and attempt to resolve your complaint. It’s kinda my job. But seams I failed to appease you so no sense in flogging a dead horse so that’s me finished. I wish you all the best.
Thanks for excepting my public apology.
I will strive not to cause you problems but there is one thing I need to make clear here. If you post on this site I may or may not respond. My decision, you don’t get to “cancel” me.
This is a public site, if Troy doesn’t want me to participate he has to power to remove me as does Miki I believe.
If you never want to hear from me again, fine, don’t post, that’s your decision. But as far as I know you don’t make the rules here. You had your say, I tried the high ground.
Tim. I’d appreciate it if you would not post my private messages publicly, at least not without my permission. Miki may have different rules for this forum, and that’s fine, but posting my message publicly just isn’t the expectation or intention I have when I send a message to someone, and maybe there are others on the forum that would feel the same way I do. And I’m well aware this is a public forum. I didn’t ask you to not participate, I only politely asked you to stay away from me personally, which didn’t seem to much to ask, but then again, you and I definitely have different ideas of what high ground is. And by the way, just FYI, the words acknowledge and accept do not have the same meaning.
For someone who doesn’t want to interact with someone else you’re not doing a very good job…