Renewed using my points and streams are back and stable.

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Thanks, Miki. How do you check server locations?

Go to, All in One Cloud-Downloading >

Then using say Analiti do a speed test on all the server locations and find the fastest one for you.

Here a link to check PM server latency from your location.

I renewed last month and went on through Cinema and got a notification that could not. Haven’t checked since then. So you are saying it is back to working?

I like RD…however, I do have Premiumize as well…:slight_smile: I can’t complain about RD

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It was never not working for me. It never stopped working and still going strong (RD with CinemaHD).

Maybe it’s the version I’m using?

I’m using CinemaHD-v3 (3.0.6 ad free mod)

Working great!

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Since the purge, I have NO usable links in RD that work in Cinema. They show up but do not work. I subscribed to Premium and All Debrid and found that I had to log out of RD to get Premium to work. The Premium links are great and there are a lot of them, even 4k. All Debrid was a waste of money. The wife is happy

Edit: They show up but do not work…


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I never left real Debrid. I tried the others. I thought they were junk. In my mind, real Debrid is the Gold standard. I just renewed yesterday for another 6 months. I have never had any issue with their streams. IMHO


Of all the services you have used, which is your favourite and/or recommended?

I’d have to go with Premiumize. :slightly_smiling_face:


I am really liking it too, I was planning on going back once I’m due to renew. Tell me did real Debrid offer similar services. I never looked into anything other than the access to quality videos. I was surprised after changing to premiumize the goodies they offered?

This is what Google AI says about it.

Thank you, the info is useful and appreciated.

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I tried PM For a short time but I had some issues with playing certain movies. Went back to RD and everything is great.