I’ve been using RealDebrid for a pretty long time now without issues. Lately, many, but not all, of the RealDebrid links started to buffer. I use Kodi on a Toshiba TV that has the Firestick pre-installed. My internet service is fine. Is anyone experiencing similar issues? I’m wondering if my TV or the pre-installed Firestick is starting to fail
Have you cleared the cache on the Firestick recently? Clear the cache on all your apps, especially Kodi. If the memory is full, you will have streaming problems such as buffering.
Real Debrid is not as perfect like many think . I get links that will not stream smoothly , stop an go , stuttering at times . from a very clean Kodi on Nvidia Sheild 19 Pro .
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Check the “Hoster Status” under Useful Links.
RD isnt the problem unless they are having server issues which they tell us about. If you are having problems then your internet is dropping or losing its connection.
When encountering buffering please take a look here, lots of info.
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I’m not getting buffering . What i’m getting is some stuttering on some of the links at times an it’s not coming from my internet . I am running a staight high speed cable to my box . It’s not doing it on all the links just some of them .
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Thanks for the feedback. Before asking the next question, I did look online and searched through Fen on Kodi, but I can’t find any info on how to find Useful Links in Kodi to check the “Hoster Status”. I would imagine that I need to have the links displayed before checking their status. Can someone give me some direction on how to check them? I do have a few other addons installed on Kodi if it’s not possible to do within the Fen addon. I did complete all of the other suggestions before my first post. Thanks again.
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Useful Links is in your RD account page.
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Thanks, found it. I was looking for it within the Kodi addon. Something else I noticed while searching for answers in kodi is that Fen and Ezra aren’t returning torrents, hosters only. I have torrents enabled in the settings. The Crew, Promise, and Nine Lives all return torrents for the same show that doesn’t return torrents in Fen and Ezra. I could just use one of the other addons, but am I missing something?
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