Does anyone know how to move a Firestick to a new house? I was assuming I could just unplug my Firestick and connect it to my new location and just reconnect to my new internet. Thanks for any insight.

yes thats all you do

I’ve moved to different houses but I was giving the sticks away so I did a factory reset, yes, not helpful.

To just plug and play it would need to be the same router, same SIDD, same Wi-Fi Password then it should actually work fine. But if not it will fail to connect to the network but you can still get into setting and setup the new network.

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Thanks, that’s what I was hoping. :wink:

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It does not always work that way @Tad331, depending on if the TV is a different brand and perhaps other hardware situations like soundbars, etc. I know I had a dickens of a time moving one from my house to my daughters. Her TV setup was different from mine where I had the firestick setup originally and it was running splendidly. I finally got it sorted for her, but it was anything BUT plug and play for sure. Hope all goes well for you though for sure - good luck!

Just plug it in your new location and hook up to the Internet. Everything should work fine. I take mine travelling all the time. Takes seconds to get going.

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Shouldn’t be an issue. Connect to the new internet/password and, if necessary, re-do the TV/equipment control settings.

Thanks and I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

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