We receive numerous emails from people complaining about various IPTV services.

Even though we state that our reviews shall not be considered recommendations or promotions to use these services, we still get blamed when things go south.

It should be noted that TROYPOINT does not accept payment from unverified IPTV services that we review and we never will.

Some of these packages come with over 30,000 channels. No, we donā€™t test every channel nor do we revisit these services in the future to see how they are performing. There are simply too many services to revisit.

Some channels buffer more than others depending on what service you are using. My favorite 5 channels might work great on my service but buffer on yours.

Regarding our reviews, we can never win because everyone has different needs from their IPTV service. Joe Streamer may be thrilled with IPTV Service XYZ because his sports play buffer-free, yet Sally Cordcutter hates this service because her favorite 24/7 channels buffer.

We always recommend getting a free trial prior to purchasing a service to ensure your favorite channels work well. If the service doesnā€™t offer a free trial, purchase one month of service to see how things work.

Please stop using IPTV ifā€¦

  1. You are going to blame TROYPOINT for your problems.

  2. You expect the same level of technical support that you would receive from a traditional cable/satellite company. Keep in mind that you are paying $5-$15 per month for this service and these outfits donā€™t have the # of tech support agents waiting for your support requests. Yes, there should be some level of support but donā€™t expect them to travel to your house to fix your problems.

  3. You arenā€™t OK with possibly losing money from your pre-paid service when it goes down or stops working well.

Many TROYPOINT fans subscribe to two or more services so they have a backup if something doesnā€™t work properly.


A post was merged into an existing topic: IPTV Stream Plus Review: Over 22K Channels for Under $5/Month

TP doesnā€™t post links for legal reasons. Do a Google search and you will find it.


Iā€™ve been using IPTV for several years and the iptv experience can be frustrating, annoying and, ā€œWhy did I leave cable tv?ā€ Well in these years, I have learned the process and if youā€™re looking for results from these iptv providers, youā€™re fooling yourself. They will blame your problems on your internet speed, your hardware and even what tv you have. In other words, theyā€™ll never take the blame and youā€™re left hanging and search out another provider. Iā€™ve worked hard to find the right people in the iptv industry that know what theyā€™re doing, but keep in mind, NO iptv servive is perfect and might never be but you need to find the right provider that has a technical staff that communicates well (not on WhatsApp) and resolves the issue in a timely manner. Hereā€™s one hint: Find a provider that has developed their own app and stop using outside apps to run the service. Donā€™t forget, youā€™re doing iptv because youā€™ve had enough of high cable bills and to me, itā€™s worth the money savings in the longrun and iptv will keep getting stronger as time evolves.


I couldnā€™t imagine laying blame here. When I started to understand what I needed to do for IPTV, I came and read. I read more and used trial and error learning. I failed a lot but would never blame this great place nor the folks here. It wasnā€™t an overnight success as it took time. Iā€™m more advanced now and help others out and that is due to the great people here and @TROYPOINT


Okay - Hereā€™s the deal; This sight is a ā€œknowledge bankā€ for those willing to put in the time and work necessary to learn what IPTV is all about and how to make it work for you in order to save your hard earned $$$.
It is NOT a place to complain about your ā€œService Providerā€™sā€ terrible service!
In the few years Iā€™ve had IPTV service, Iā€™ve been through probably four different providers. It seems like once you find a good one, a few months later, itā€™ll start getting crappy as they add more subscribers and over-load their servers. Thatā€™s when itā€™s time to start looking for a new one, or adding a backup provider.
As TP said, itā€™s not for those that are looking for someone to hold there hand when things get bumpy. You have to do a lot of reading and research to make it work for you, but the end result is worth it (IMHO). Best regards, :sunglasses::call_me_hand:


Well Iā€™ve being using IPTV for some years and I treat it as a game.
The first one I had went bust. They didnā€™t take my money and run they just said they wonā€™t be doing it anymore. Fancy that!!!
The next mob Iā€™m still using and have been for about 6 years.Any channel issues and I report it on their chat service. Usually fixed in a few minutes
If you want to play then know the game you play. Costs me not a lot each month but I treat them like a service, if it goes down then I donā€™t lose much.
TP is a good site to get the info I enjoy it here, but like they say donā€™t blame them if things go south, do your research. I donā€™t use a VPN and they are a closed site.


Iā€™ve had at least 10 providers over the past 6 years. Iā€™ve found a few generally applicable findings.

  • Choose one thatā€™s been around for awhile.
  • The more expensive ones, tend to be better (they donā€™t have to load their servers so heavily).
  • None are strong in all areas. Decide what is most important to you.
  • Always have at least two services at one time, unless you donā€™t mind being without TV every now and then.
  • If you canā€™t put up with some buffering, donā€™t use these services. They all buffer or freeze on occasion, some more than others.
  • Programming guides are incomplete at best and horrible on many.
  • Trials tend to work better than the service does when I subscribe. I suspect some put the trials on a server than isnā€™t loaded down.

I still subscribe to other mainstream services, like ESPN+. I"ve found no IPTV service that can give you a good programming guide for this and searching through dozens of channels is simply too frustrating for me. Iā€™ve also subscribed to Hulu or Youtube TV for a month when I did not want to deal with possible frustrations or when I wanted to record multiple programs.

With lots of trial and error you should find a couple acceptable services, but none will be fantastic, long term.


i google sporting events to see where they are streaming so i can find them when the epg is lacking its easier than searching the ncaa has a great llist id you google football on tv today it lists every game and the service its on


I think you need to keep looking. There are some out their with very good EPG. The service(s) I use has great EPGs for sports. Even ESPN+.


My favorite is the claim of anti-freeze technology, As far as I know antifreeze is something you put in a carā€™s radiator. Of course some people blame troypoint,god forbid Someone would take responsibility for their own errors, I guess troy should just be glad no one is trying to sue him, Plenty of lawyers out there specializing in that.


Are you saying that youā€™ve found one that has complete, accurate guide for all channels on live TV?

I am not going to say it is 100% complete for over 12,000 channels that it has but it is very well complete for the majority and very good for the mainstream ones especially the sports channels.



100% agree. Your mechanic should say ā€œanti-freezeā€, not your IPTV provider. If they do, run.


It seems that people may have neglected the old adage, ā€œBuyer beware,ā€ in spite of your regular comments and banners on almost all your posts. Sad but true, we humans are basically lazy.

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I may not be the brightest star in the universe, but I honestly have read this comment a dozen times and still havenā€™t a clue what it means.


There are plenty of apps and websites for sporting channel guides. One app I do use is Live Guide it has most channels from varying countries regarding the fixture youā€™re interested in. Hereā€™s a European Rugby fixture from last weekend :+1:

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I dont know where to put this so Ill put this here.

I wanted to thank you TP for reviewing so many pp capable pay option providers lately. I don`t know about anyone else; but for me it does seem to apply more as I get older that I am slower at learning new tricks. I am use to pp, and the crypto thing I have done, but find arduous. So thank you again.