I been using syncler and Stremio and wanted to know what other good ones are there to try? Using an android box .


10+ Best APKs For Free Movies, Shows, & More (February 2023) (troypoint.com)


Great thanks. Looked on the site but didn’t find this.


Take a look here for the best recommend aps with real debrid setup.

Using the search on here and troypoint will show you.

You are using 2 of the best apps anyway.

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Syncler seems like it’s a hit or miss that I’m going to find any links. Most of the time it just gives errors as results . I installed it as the troypoint vid but maybe it needs a fresh install . My fallback is Stremio always seems to work. What I wanted a few more alternatives to install and try out.


3 Kodi forks to play around with builds, addons and skins and Film + are what I use, had Stremio for a while, might try installing it again. Haven’t tried Syncler yet.


Are you using Syncler with Real Debrid? Although I have Syncler +, with RD and Orion, it has always been my favorite and always finds tons of great sources.

Native KODI 20 with a Build, Plus a 19.5 and a 20 fork with various Addons + RD + Trakt TV. Everything you need for TV/Movies VOD with a few backups if needed!

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No I use it with out RD. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t pull in many good links. Get a lot of failures . Could that be why?

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That would definitely hurt the amount of good links you will pull from any apk. I have never used Syncler without RD, but can imagine it would be very hit and miss regarding high quality links to use.

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Yeah I should have read I to it more than to just install it . Must have thought it was like most t of the other apps that don’t need RD.

It still should pull as many free links as apks like Cinema. Are you sure you installed the provider
packages properly?

Your best option for free links is streamio… but you should really look into RD

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I see the packages that were recommended from the install vid, but maybe it’s corrupted and needs a fresh install. I’m going to try that. There’s a vid for that isn’t there on the Troy point site?

Yeah definitely sounds like you have it set up wrong the first troypoint tutorial he made is old he made a newer one that made Syncler setup so easy and simple did you use the syncler provision app ?

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I see how to install it , but is there something that shows installing packages? Maybe mine ain’t installed right and why I don’t get many working results .

I saw I had the express package installed and it was used for syncler plus . I Uno stalled it and just have Kosmos installed. Seems it pulled in better results . Maybe that’s the reason? But I’ll look for the updated Troypoint install vid on this.

No just the one that he recommended from the old vid. Didn’t know there was a provisional one. Is the new install vid on his site or somewhere else?