Syncler kicking off ipvanish

Could you be more specific?

Yes. While a show on Syncler, ipvanish shut off in the middle of a show. I got in touch with ipvanish tech support and they said to update ipvanish, so I did. Same thing happened. I am using a Fire tv box ( not stick). I restarted thebox and I Uninstalled VPN safety dot and installed Vpn monitor. Same thing happened.
I haven’t had a chance to try it on my Firetv Cube yet.

I had similar issues and I removed safety dot and set up ipvanish dot. They have there own safety dot with in the app settings, works perfectly!

Safety Dot ended up being the issue?

Yes for me it is crap, i paid for it and seemed to cause alot of issues. For instance, freezing up and everything was very slow on my shield :shield:

Hmmm…that’s very interesting. I haven’t had one issue with it.

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All is good now, im not sure but using ipvanish dot has made a big difference :thinking:

How do you get the IPVanish Dot?

Its located in the settings of the new update, its right under VPN protocol.

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VPN Status Indicator

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