Hey Miki, I don’t use sinclair, I use just streamio and Cody. What kind of services do you like about Sinclair that streamo doesn’t have.
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Oh by the way my streamio is up and running and it’s updating the episodes now. I don’t know what the problem is but it finally started working after a couple days.
Sorry Aj but I don’t have or use Syncler. I’m reading through everything so I can perhaps help someone having payment problems.
Help me understand this? All these issue with Syncler and it’s something that people actually pay for? Just don’t understand when The Crew and 9Lives working perfect for months on end. Add RD and Trakt and all your VOD needs are right there. What is the magic of Syncler? Never used it before what am I missing?
I used EPG ninja to purchase my Syncler licenses came within 12 hours of paying through credit card. Did not need to pay with Crypto just depends on which reseller you choose.
There isnt any issues with syncler at all. People just are unsure how to pay or dont want to use crypto. Also people are not reading the faqs or guides.
What benefit does Syncler have over say The Crew/9Lives or any other solid working addon that let’s you use RD + Trakt TV? That is my question. If you have to pay to use syncler what is the benefit over the other addons?
That’s up to peoples preference really. It’s really just a personal choice and what they like better. You are clearly all about kodi which is fine. Im not going to discuss it with someone who already has a bad opinion of syncler. If you want to try it perfect if not then dont. I enjoy kodi myself, works amazing with crew/seren and RD.
I use Orion heavily with my RD and pair it with syncler or stremio as my go to setup. I like it better as the user interface is better in my opinion and feel syncler runs smoother on devices then kodi. The benefit is for you to decide. Syncler is like a better cinema. Syncler also uses trakt.
Kodi/syncler/stremio/WEYD are the best options to get all tv and movies with RD.
While you were going thru the process of purchasing the key, you should have seen a place to enter your email address. After you place your order with Syncler+, it gives you an order details page. The confusing thing about this convoluted process is you are then suppose to click a link on that page to download a text file that contains your “order id”. Mine was five numbers with no letters.
That order# along with your email address can then be entered on their track order page.
That will then take you to your Order details with the key.
Where is my order id?
After each checkout, you will be greeted with a order details page. Please click the ‘Download confirmation’ button to download a text file containing your order details including order id.
Here is their link that takes you to a chat box for support.
I use premiumkey for my sub…you get the key at the snap of your fingers
Is it just my imagination, or has everyone’s Syncler+ subscriptions expired this month? Seems to be a whole bunch of people trying to renew right now? lol
I read @bubbadoo 's post on May '22 but only because I had had already acted and his advice was too late for me. I will renew Syncler + on Jan. 31. I decided this time to pay with Coinbase. Everything seemed to go through, EXCEPT; where is my long in info? I assume my log in info from 2022 isn’t going to work, as they don’t keep info on subscribers.
I sent them chat asking for the info. As @bubbadoo explained, they took 7 days to get back to me. Said everything went through, but I still don’t have what I will need to log in to Syncler+ once I need to active it end of the month.
I opened the link sent to me which went to the following:
Then I click on that to get to this:
When I click on the guide that is suppose to help me I get to this very complicated set of screens but all I need is my log on info???
Does anyone know how to get the key I will need?
Thanks @Miki. That is where I sent them my question. And that resulted in the screens I posted but no key info?
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ohhh. Damn. Sorry. What a hassle.
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This was in my email:
But going there, I cannot find the key.
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you should be getting a screen that asks for order id and “email”… your screenshot didn’t. Once you put both in, I think it should give you the page with your detailed info and Syncler+ key.
She got it all sorted out and has her key in hand!
Still having an issue with me getting my key. I’ve tried all the options listed above and nothing. I submitted a request via their robot, but nothing. I’ll see if I can post my proof of purchase. I would find some other service, but Syncler+ is the best service (once its working) I’ve ever had.