Miki - used that but they say they don’t recognize the order code!

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Well that’s the Syncler site so after that I’d contact CS.


I dob’t think that is the order number… mine was 5 numbers. I think you have to download that text file during the purchase in order to get the order number.

I would send them a print screen copy of the BTC transaction. That proves you paid the BTC to their wallet address. You can find that transaction in your Coinbase wallet.

This what mine looks like. Yours should have the same wallet address as mine your BTC was sent to. They should be able to identify that.

I am having problems with Syncler.
I have a valid and working Real Debrid Account.
I have a valid and Working Syncler account.
Where my issue lies is once I input the code for installing Syncler + I do not havant Idea what URL to input in the second part of the install for provider packages.

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Two resources I think will solve everyone’s Provider Package issues…hopefully.

GitHub - SynclerScrapers/repository.synclerscrapers: External providers combined into one, easy to use repository for use with Syncler

Best Syncler Provider Packages for Kosmos & Express 2022



As the guide says. Put your code there for the package provider.


I must be a moron, I cannot find the right url for step two. My repository stays unavailable.

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Keep reading the guides and use the search you will figure it out

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Could not be more frustrated. every time i go to install my Syncler account the url I am using states malformed manifest. I have installed this on 2 other devices and I know I am missing one little thing that would put me over the edge. I, BTW have not figured it ou.

What error are you getting?

malformed manifest data, I have used all of the urls in my search for express…

Something was done in error here. Let’s take a step back. Do you have S+? and RD. I only ever seen that error one time… and it was a user mistake… but its not a common one. Even on the their discord lol.

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Hi, yes i have a syncler + account and it is on. I have put in my real debris account as well.
I am willing to start a new account it that what it takes. we love syncler
Oh, I am not doubting that i have made a mistake

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What i think you need to do is uninstall all providers, log into S+ and install express, then ONLY one provider. I recommend jackedup without orion for now. Make sure to follow all steps correctly or it wont work, use a cell phone or a second device for the codes to be inputted.


Okay, Thank you, I hope this works.

OMG! I knew it would be something so simple. Can’t thank you enough. I even ordered a new firestick for this. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know Im gushing, but you really have no idea of the hair pulling I have been doing.


All good. I’m glad its working for you. Enjoy!

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Somehow I got Syncler to work. I signed up for +. I thought the plus would auto load provider packages. I was able to copy and paste a few links to get it working. I am NOT confident I have it set up correctly. There is so little info on youtube about this app. Does anyone have a comprehensive video tutorial on how to find/add good provider packages? This app make me feel dumb :rofl:

What provider package did you end up using? If it works, you must have done it right lol.

GitHub - SynclerScrapers/repository.synclerscrapers: External providers combined into one, easy to use repository for use with Syncler