My Syncler+ expired on 2 January 23. To purchase a new membership is easy until selection of of payment portals ‘accepting Credit Cards or PayPal’

Problem: Based in USA, will not permit us to access PayPal nor utilize paymentsby Credit Cards. I have tried all 4-5 portals and no go. CAN ANYONE provide a step-by-step solution or advise if they have responded to any support tickets!!!

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I believe if you are paying through the official Syncler+ website. You will have to pay using crypto. If you do not wish to pay using crypto, then you will need to use a 3rd party payment process.

personally, I haven’t taken the time to learn about crypto. So, I used the 3rd party payment process. Everything went smoothly and received my key within about 15 minutes of the payment transaction.

Fyi, using the 3rd party payment process will add an increase to your purchase. I just bought a 1-year sub for $29.55 USD using the and completing the process via PayPal. Paying through the Syncler+ website is $15 for a year sub plus the BTC fee of about $2 bucks ($17 total). So, using BTC would save you about $12 bucks after fees (BTC Transaction fees: $2 - $3) and such are added.


Thank you…Would it be possible that you could replicate the Step by Step process for resubscription using PayPal…Myself and my friend are pretty savy, however we both have not been able to do it successfully…

I will advise the many friends I have personally referred to Syncler? I would be graciously appreciative!!

Hold on. I get the info.

Click here first:

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If you could reread my first post…NONE of these payment portals (while saying they do) will NOT accept Credit Cards (im in the US) or do not redirect me to PayPal. If tou have a solution for subscribing via either method, would you be willing to WRITE step-by-step instructions of others to follow???


No one is going to write you up a step by step guide… The reason being is the link @Powerfader sent you works and takes paypal and cc, i have used it in Canada.

I wish people would stop asking for a step by step guide when there is guides here and for stuff that works. You need to be patient or go for the crypto guide. Follow the steps, If they do not work for you try something els. Or you may have to use crypto.


I would suggest you register for an account!

Once you click the “Confirm Order” you will get a few pop-ups instructing you what to do. They will give you the name and address of the person you will be sending your payment to. This info will be needed to insert into your “Send Funds” category in PayPal.


Then once your transaction is complete. I would follow up by sending BUYPRIUMKEY an email with your Transaction ID you will get from Paypal.

Btw, You MUST FIRST SET-UP a PayPal account!! You WILL NOT be auto directed to PayPal. You will need to open your PayPal account and insert the information BUYPRIUMKEY will send you.


Thank you again…I have a Syncler account, am resubscribing!! I have PayPal for years…Again problem is not me…Instructions to use PayPal or Credit Cards on those listed pay sites does not have accurate step-by-step instructions to use PayPal as a payment and NO INSTRUCTIONs to use a simple credit card…

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Thank you…best advise yet!!!

Has anyone received a response from Syncler??

I have sent several, no reply

You are welcome. It wasn’t to be rude, but i have to make my point clear. Not everything needs step by step guides… Sometimes you have to learn for yourself.

The above steps are very clear tho. If i could id buy you a key and you pay me but we cant do that here. But from my own experience along with many others PP works so does cc. Make an account btw.

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"I would suggest you register for an account!

Once you click the “Confirm Order” you will get a few pop-ups instructing you what to do."

Maybe you have popup blockers on your browser?

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Good point!

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One of the Crypto learning curves I discovered, in my constant quest in reducing skimmer fees, was using “Advanced Trading” in Coinbase. It is not that hard and they really stick it to you (a couple of bucks) if you use the “Simple Trading” option.

I was able to buy $60 worth of BTC with a 0.24 crypto fee using Advanced Trading.

Syncler+ also gives you a 3% discount code for using crypto. So the subscription is 15 x .97 = 14.55. The crypto fee for that transaction was 0.10. So my total cost was 14.55 + 0.10 = 14.65.

I squeak when I walk. :money_mouth_face:

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If you are trying on buypremiumkey, you have to turn off your vpn (if you use one) for the PP option to even show up on list of payment methods. Even after doing that I kept getting a “we are busy try again tomorrow” message for 3 days after submitting PP payment. E-mailed them & they must have turned something on at their end cause when he asked me to try again, I had my key. Even though they claim to accept CC on the Syncler site, there is no option to use one.

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Syncler is only BTC. You have to use a 3rd party and go through PP to use a CC.

Btw, thanks for the heads up about turning off your VPN. I didn’t know that, but I must not have had it on when I did mine. Probably didn’t because I was in a hurry and didn’t even think about that.

I mean no disrespect but if you can’t learn Coinbase which is the most simplified way and most secure to pay with crypto for crypto only platforms like Syncler+ and the 3rd party isn’t working just watch the troypoint videos or just use the numerous other great real debrid compatible apps

I am really having a hard time paying the way that you are describing. Could you please explain it a little more clearly for me

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You know you are right, I am having a hard time using coin base. That is why I reached out on this site. This is where people like me come to learn. You were not showing disrespect . You were just not helpful. Why bother to respond to someone that is not as knowledgeable as you are.? Everyday is a lesson for me…