Hi everyone,

I’m very new to the IPTV world and just cut my cable. I signed up with a paid IPTV subscription and everything was fine for about a week. I don’t use a VPN (not sure if I really need one), but when watching live tv every channel say “error: HttpDataSourceException,” does anyone know what time means?

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Hi @Charlibmore04
Sounds like an issue with your service. Try contacting their support.


Do you mean my ISP or IPTV provider?

Oh sorry for not being clear.
Contact your IPTV service.
Good luck.

Thank you, I appreciate your help

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Well I guess after all I do need a VPN. I was told to clear the cache and force stop the app, then reboot device. If that didn’t work it was said I’ll most likely need to use a VPN. Tried the recommendations and the error is still there. Do you have any recommendations for VPNs?


There is lots of recommendations. Use ipvanish from troypoints website. There is also a discount for it on the troypoint insider and website.


3 of the best VPNs in order imho.


If you are using Tivimate. Tru installing a freebie url and if that works. Then it is your provider (IPTV). Btw, streaming is legal in the USA, but streaming protected content is not. You can find free URLs here on this site using search.


Thanks I will try that and keep you posted. However, I used another live tv app called purple tv using the same Xtream codes and it worked fine. I’m so confused.

I used your free code for Plex tv and it worked for me. So your saying this is an issue with my IPTV? If that is the case I’m concerned why it was advised for me to get a VPN. I guess for streaming entertainment channels like HBO etc.

Commission sales! I live in the US and rarely use a vpn. Although, they are good to have if you are being throttled. If you live in the UK. Then you must use one. If you do torrents then use one. If you are just streaming. Then idk…? Use your best judgment. I run about 940 Mbps. Using a vpn that drop to abour half. The error you are getting looks like a feed problem. Which is a delivery issue coming from yor iptv service.

I have about 20 m3u URLs on my tivimate, and only one pd service. You decide what works for your household.

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Check your speed and post the results.

Use the higher end ones like plex, samsung, stirr, local now, etc. The have better equipment and the epg populates better. I am working on USTVGO URL and might be able to post that in a few more days…epg issues! The localNow url is a good one, too.

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My goodness you are putting me to shame, I did a internet speed test and mine isn’t anywhere as high as yours. 120 mbps… I also live in the US and only stream movies/tv that’s it.

I just emailed my IPTV provider and told him what I found and asked him to check his network idk . He’s really no help and I just signed up a week ago. I had a 72 hr trial and everything was all good until today. After my 3 month subscription I plan on looking elsewhere.

I really appreciate your help.

Get some free trials and see, Your speed is plenty good enough. Only buy month to month until you feel comfortable. Then don’t go for more than a 3 month sub. I pay $8 bucks a month, and could find other’s for even less!

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A VPN us a valuable tool for many reasons, the most important is for security by making your on line activities anonymous from your IP to protecting you from identity thieves, and it helps with geo blocking. I would never connect to the internet without using one, and they are so inexpensive.

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Your speed is fine. Your IPTV provider needs to be dumped for not admitting they have a problem and NEVER purchase a feed for more than 1 month. As stated in other posts, only go with providers that have a free trial so you can check them out before committing to a purchase so you can test their feeds and also the channels they provide. I always use a VPN when streaming from a provider you’re not sure about. The post by @Miki about VPN providers is right on in my opinion.


Also your isp could detect what is being transmitted and throttle or block. I ran into this issue actually on a vpn stream out of atlanta. I had checked the vpn server from atlanta earlier in the day and it was blazing fast. So I swapped 2 tv’s over to that server and thought nothing else about it. Later that evening the vpn was blocking my tivimate transmission ??? At first I had thought it was a tivimate issue but swapped server and bingo… everything restored. I have no idea why a vpn was doing that but they didnt bother my syncler…go figure :face_with_thermometer:

Do not use ipvanish. Using it will slow down your streaming. So happy I dumped them. I went to express vpn and couldn’t be happier

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