I’ve had an error message appearing about a Trakt error in Kodi since yesterday. I saw someone posting elsewhere that trakt had a major server problem and are currently recovering from it. So I thought I would let you all know.

Here is the url for the status of their site - https://status.trakt.tv/



Yup it must be a major issue however I like how they say “We are currently undergoing scheduled maintenance” :rofl:

Standard IT CYA lingo :wink:

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Are there any apps or APKs that can be used, that don’t have to connect to trakt to work while they are down? I don’t have cable and do all my viewing strictly through Seren since it has been so rock solid. I have been using it for at least a year, maybe two with no issues. Without being able to connect to Trakt there, I need another app I can use in the meantime. I know I will have to do a lot of searching but it’s better than the alternative (not watching anything…or actually paying for subscription services lol). Thanks!!


I just do a search for a specific title in the addon. So go into your Seren addon and look for a Search function. Pick TV Show or Movie, type in your title and it should appear.


Trakt being down has no effect on KODI itself other than you can’t access My Shows/My Movies. KODI does not require Trakt or any trakt like app to function. Trakt is simply a way to keep Track of the shows and movies you watch (does a lot more but for this discussion that will be enough)

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Still seeing a lot of no providers available on seren and cinema


Before I discovered that Trakt was down, I had revoked the authorization in an attempt to reauthorize, as that is typically one of my troubleshooting steps when I have issues. Now when I try to go into Seren, I get an error message saying Seren cannot connect to trakt so it wont let me do anything. I just tried again and was able to get to the search screen, but keep getting an error when it searches. It’s not bringing anything down because of the error. Seren seems to be one of the apps that is highly dependent on both Real Derid and Trakt for any time there is an issue with one, the app stops working altogether.


Stremio keeps track of what you watch and will restart any vid where you left off. When trakt is back up it also integrates into trakt

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I can’t comment on Seren because I haven’t used it in a long time. I use Fen. I get the error too saying it can’t find the Trakt site. So I go to my list of video add ons, select Fen, then I get a list like Movies, TV Shows and Search. So I select Search. I then say for example I am searching for a movie. Then I enter a title, or even part of a title, and I get a list of matches. If I see the movie I’m looking for and click on it, it is the same as if I had selected it from the Trakt list.

I agree with @MarkxG that Trakt being down shouldn’t affect finding the available files once you have searched for the title you are looking for. So that’s my 2 cents.

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The Crew trending lists are populated from Trakt, just FYI

‘Jayhawks659’ - when i opened Skeleton Crew last night nothing showed on TV Shows & Movies (on background) - where you get the icons of each. Just a blank screen with background. Had issue with search as many have. I even went so far as to reinstall the build but same issues persisted. Do you have any idea why that happened? Corruption of KODI files (can’t see how/why)?

See my last post… The Crew (whether you add your own Trakt account or not) still connects with Trakt to generate it’s lists. Trakt had a huge server issue and they are working to fix it. It has nothing to do with the crew itself. And since the skeleton crew is primarily built using the crew a lot of the functions are not going to work until Trakt is fixed.

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Yeah, i noticed using The Crew in Diggz Xenon that i couldn’t do a search but, as others have said, if you use Fen or Nightwing (my go-to), i could do a search & it pulled up search results

While Trending is not working in The Crew I just checked and some of the Stock lists are - Most Popular, New TV Shows, Highly Rated, Network and the search is working. Similar results in the 9Lives Addon

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Thanks for the info, I will check out Fen in the meantime. Maybe I will have better luck there.



Trakt still down on the website , when I try to update watch list manually I get error code 503???

Trakt is completely down including their website.

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