Sorry Jerry not sure I understand you here? Why is someone getting slower speeds on their ONN Pro compared to other devices? I don’t use a VPN pay for 300MB and get about 380MB Down. What do you mean if someone has a Gig and they only get 55MB Down on the ONN? If so that is their problem not the ONN’s problem

This is exactly what happened with me. I don’t know either “why” Onn Pro wasn’t giving me the speed I was paying for, compared to other devices. I tried everything, until I finally called IPVanish support because that was the link in my situation. They had me try everything…even things that were above my tech level. As I told Kik, for “whatever” reason, it came down to a simple thing like “split tunneling”, which I’ve never had to use before, but my speed came up above what I paid for from my ISP provider like MarkxG says.

Just curious. Did your VPN speed improve or did you run the speed test under the ISP instead of the VPN?

If i split tunnel the speed tester Analiti so it isnt using the vpn then i am getting the ISP speeds. But if i have it testing under the vpn then my speeds are reduced.

No they don’t, shame though.

What am I missing? ONN 4K Pro have a USB port.

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The Onn Pros have a USB, Ethernet and HDMI ports.


Nothing Miki I don’t have the pro. I have the original 4k hence my requirement for the OTG. I am curious if ADM will work on this where there was no way in hell it would on the Fire stick.

Ahhh. Sorry Wiz. The thread was about the Pro so I made the mistake of thinking you had a pro. My bad.

Mark, I did some searching but could not find where Troy said that the Onn Pro might suffer slower download speed due the processor. Of course I might be wrong. But I have the three boxes, side-by-side, connected to the same VPN server and the Onn showed the slowest download speed by almost 1/3. Definitely you won’t notice it if choosing not to use a VPN.

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Actually you’re correct. I saw some mention about the original and chimed in. Probably in the wrong thread. Could have been worse I suppose.

Lol. You’re always good @Wizzard . I just got confused, and really, that isn’t surprising. Be well my friend.

any body else having issues with the New onn 4k pro box dropping or disconnecting Bluetooth speakers or ear buds?? i am literally 2 ft from the box and if you pause video it will disconnect and speakers need to be paired each and every time. any body got a fix for this?? not being able to rely on bt is a deal breaker

Just tested Onn Pro with a BT speaker on kodi and Prime video and i was able to connect and pause a few times without it disconnecting.

Have you tested more than one BT device?

Software up to date?

Has anyone had luck with ONN during traveling and hotels? Will it pop up a web page to allow you to connect during activation of wifi?

This is a good question. I’m interested to know as well.

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My usb air mouse is not working on my new Onn 4K Pro. It works fine on my firestick with uGreen usb adapter but when dongle is plugged into the ONN 4K usb port I get nothing? Anyone using the usb for an airmouse that work?

I used it at a resort the end of June. I hooked it up to the dvd HDMI cord that was there for kids who might wanted it in the room, chose the wifi and was connected right away. There was no pop up accepting terms or anything like I have seen in most Hotels with phones and tablets.

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I recall it being said that you have to turn off USB debugging. Have your tried that?

Hadn’t yet but did it and it started working even turned it back on and still works, weird.

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Here is the thread where Troy talked about turning off USB debugging.