Over the last month or two, I’ve noticed less and less streams available on Cinema, flixoid, Kodi/Crew, Kodi/Exodus, etc. Cinema has proven to be the most reliable but down on its previous high. BeeTV, TeaTV, Film Plus, Flixoid, etc, are riddles with ads and/or require you to install a proprietary player and/or get no streams. The Kodi addons either don’t find streams or when they do, the stream is dead. I have Real Debrid and that’s some help but not enough - even the torrent files don’t work most of the time.

Is anyone else finding this? Is there a fix?



If you have a real debrid you shouldnt have a lack of streams… I think it depends what your looking for.

Kodi seren crew RD
syncler with RD
stremio with RD

Only issue i had is English dub anime. But not alot of issues. In regards to installing this and that and ads, its because you are using a lot of free based apks that are riddled with ads for money. You should cut down that list entirely. Also stuff in theaters that is not out to stream will not give you a full hd copy, it will give you scam copys that ask you to download fake xvid codecs you dont need.

movies in theaters with no leak or not out on a platform will not have a solid copy, only cam or fake cam


Seren listing streams available but then when you go to use them they produce an error message that the source is not available.

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Check to make sure you have real debrid subscription time they dont warn you. Or you will get that error msg.


I haven’t a clue why everyone misses out on one of the most stable Apps for VOD and that’s Stremio. I’ve had it for years and never one ad and tons of sources and blows Cinema, BeeTV and TeaTV out of the water, even without RD or a similar service. With RD it’s clearly #1 in my book. Btw it will find even old vids and every year of a TV series.


Well, I’ve tried pretty much everything other than Seren and Stremio. I’ll give those a try and report back.


Good decision. Stremio has ad-ons similar to Kodi, only they work.


I use Kodi with The Oath, Marauder, The Crew, and Real Debrid. I have zero problems finding any show or movie with good links that I want to watch.



Check your sub time as well.


“Sub time”? I’d check it if I knew what it was! :wink:

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As mentioned above real debrid subscription time. If you are using free stuff then check out stremio. Free stuff comes and goes fast. you will see less links


Oh, yes, I have an active RD account (just renewed it a couple of weeks ago). I also use IPvanish VPN. Looks like Stremio scrapes torrent sites only(?)

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Re-authorize your real debrid account if you just renewed your subscription to be on the safe side. Also follow the “speed up kodi” video guide that I posted on here. It goes through the settings of the crew for best performance. Everyone has their personal preference of apps to use. Mostly based on user errors they’ve encountered and couldn’t figure out how to fix. I promise if your real debrid account is active and authorized and you follow that guide you will have no issues with the crew.



Kodi isn’t that bad as you make it out to be. Alot of users struggle as it’s not as user friendly. Once its setup its flawless.

It’s alot of code into one app. Stremio is light and works great I will always suggest it, but dont downplay kodi.

It’s a powerful program.


I didn’t say it wasn’t a good program but it has many many problems just like any other app, contrary to what some say. Failed repos, bad updates, lack of compatability. I’ll leave it at that. I’m not putting it down, I’m just saying it doesn’t deserve the high praise it gets from some, no more than any other good app.


Hmm… not having much luck with Stremio. Installed it, looked for sources, installed a couploe from the community (The Pirate Bay and a couple of others) - NADA. I must be doing something wrong but I’ve been doing this for almost 8 years so I’m not a neophyte!

Also, Installed Seren in Kodi and authorized my RD account now its saying I have no providers installed. Doesn’t it come with standard providers like all the other Kodi addons?


There aren’t as many complaints because not nearly as many people use it. That’s a really flawed argument.



Alot of that is community driven at no cost to you. Expect stuff to fail if it’s no longer updated. Same with addons in streamo. It does not have many problems the addons like stremio are community applied handled and updated things happen. You are aloud to have your opinions on it but if we are talking facts here kodi is a outstanding program. Stremio is also really good.


I don’t understand how you would be having this much issue unless you don’t have real debrid time.

You can pm anyone of us the stuff your looking for. I get zero issues with anything. Links for days.

Also you don’t need a million links just a couple is enough depending on your needs.


Hi @sktn77a
You need to install provider package.
The url is: http://bit.ly/a4kScrapers
(It must be spelled exactly as you see it out it won’t work).


Thanks SBrown126. As newbie to Stremio, where do I input that link (I’m using a firestick 4k).

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