I would like to install the new “Fen Codi” add on. Is this possible after having installed the Crewnique build on Codi?

Would I have to uninstall Codi/Crewnique build, reinstall only Codi, and then install the Fen Codi add on, and other add on’s going forward?

Any help appreciated,


Crewnique is by design a stripped down version to run better. Install a Kodi fork from the RAI and put Fen on that. If your device has enough storage.


Should be no problem installing an add on on top of Crewnique but it will not show up on the main Crewnique menu. You will find it under add ons in Kodi.

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“Install a Kodi fork from the RAI and put Fen on that.”

Thanks for responding. Is there a video tutorial addressing how to do this? I don’t know what a Kodi fork is, nor an RAI.

It’s not that big a deal, but I thought I’d at least ask,



RAI is Troy’s rapid app installer. You can use it to quickly install some of the top cord cutters apps. A kodi fork is a stripped down Kodi without any addons or any “builds”. This makes it smaller and thus easier to run on low specs devices like Firesticks that have very little storage, and you are the able to install a couple or so addons without negatively impacting the sevice.


Thank you for responding.

A couple of questions:

When I open Kodi, I get the Crewnique build, not Kodi itself, if that makes sense.

I have the RAI. I’ll look for the Fen add on there, and see if it works on my (rather ancient) Firestick.

Thank you,


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That maybe because you installed the full crewnique build and not just say one addon like Mad Titan Sports. Good luck.

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I did not see the FEN Kodi add on in RAI.

Regardless, if I installed the full Crewnique build, as I did, does that mean I can’t install specific Kodi add ons?

FEN is a Kodi addon and Troy doesn’t have the space to load all the kodi addons onto a server.


Thank you for the information. I am perusing the Fen guide.

Do you know which fork contains the Fen add on?

Separately, in your opinion (and anyone else who has one), is Crewnique worth keeping, or is it better to go with discrete Kodi add ons?

If I choose to use Kodi add ons, I’m guessing I’ll have to uninstall Kodi/Crewnique, and then reinstall Kodi’s latest version.

Any insight appreciated,



Kodi forks do not contain any addons. They are like a stripped down basic vehicle, then you add say GPS, a top line Sound System, fancy rims, a moon roof etc. etc. and make the vehicle your own pimped out ride.


I see.

How do I access the Fen add on, then? If it’s too large for Troy to put up on RAI, and it is not “in” a fork, how do I install it? I realize these are stupid questions, but any help appreciated,



Thank you, I appreciate your help,


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In the Crewnique Build somewhere in the settings you will find file manager. Once you find this then following Troy’s tutorial you can add any addon. Good luck :+1: Just remember Troy’s tutorial is done on a plain kodi so it will differ a bit. After you add the url in the file manger then you need to find the setting called addon browser that’s where you’ll find install from zip file and install from repository. After its installed you go into addon browser click my addons or all addons then click video addons and it will be in there :grinning:


No matter what build you decide to use you can add or remove any addon you wish . A build is just a collection of preinstalled addons with a tailored menu and background graphics . Good luck :pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag:


Yes, please do a search.

Kodi mega guide.

This setup tutorial gets emailed to every user.

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Thanks very much for this information,

M. :sunglasses:


See this regarding questions about Fork.


Thank you for the information,


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No you can install add on"s on top of the build if you want to see the original kodi menu you just need to change the skin back to the original kodi skin. I think Troy has a tutorial on the site just search it.

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