Can I install kodi on my tv through fire stick or only on a computer?


Welcome to the community.

Kodi can be installed on a fire stick or computer.


Hey ranger…

& this is where you’ll find it…enter this in downloader

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Thank you. Thinking of trying it out

Sorry, one more quick question. Does Kodi work with real debrid? I’m thinking of replacing cinema hd for kodi if it’s worth the trouble

There is addons that kodi uses that do.


Kodi mega guide.

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Crew and seren are two separate add on? Or just seren? Is this add on the closest thing to cinema hd? Thx again for your help and time


Take a look threw that topic, they explain what they are how to use them and install.

Yes they are separate. You are also welcome :slight_smile:

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Haha. Great. Ok and thank you :+1:

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