I am currently using Kodi 18.9 and while it works fine I do wonder if I should be updating to the latest or later build.
Will is still be able to use Exodus Redux on a later build?
What is the latest Kodi Build that Exodus will work on?

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I think you need to do some research.

Kodi mega guide.

Update to 19.4 and use another addon.

“Will is still be able to use Exodus Redux on a later build?” NO.
“What is the latest Kodi Build that Exodus will work on?” 18.x

Kodi 19.4 is the latest version, no exodus is available for this, but there are far better apps like Promise, Homelander, Nightwing, magic dragon…


What makes these other apps better?

KODI 19 is drastically better and faster than previous versions and the Addons are optimized for that. Time to let Exodus go and move on. Actually it was time to let Exodus go about 3 or more years ago! :rofl:

Because every time i used to search for movies or look for tv shows, it never brought back any results to play, whereas Promise and Homelander do

…and yes exodus should have been closed years ago :joy:

Unlike Exodus redux They are current addons that get updated regularly.

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