@Pawsrancher Genuinely sorry to hear of all the issues, you have been encountering.
I’m not trying to make things worse, nor offend you, but have you considered buying a device with more capabilities?
Finally, if it plays then stops, are you using RD. And how is your Internet speed?
You aren’t offending me at all, I appreciate the guidance. I thought the 4K was a step up from the 2nd gen I had. I don’t need much, just one or two options to watch. I downloaded IPVanish and apparently it doesn’t have the green dot built in all of a sudden. Earlier today it did on my old stick but it isn’t even an option in the menu now on this stick. I loaded downloader, then APK time so I could load cinema and then downloaded mx player to use with cinema (as suggested by Troypoint) activated my RD account and my Trakt account. All worked until I tried to fast forward to get back to the place I was when the other stick was cutting out and it won’t fast forward. It shows that it is but it goes back to the place it started. Fast forwarding easily was one of the best things about Cinema. UGH! So frustrating! So far that is all I have loaded. My internet speed is between 250 and 300mbps. I am sure the vpn cuts it down but it should be more than adequate to run the stick. Nothing else is usually running on the Wi-Fi at the time.
Well, I just switched the player back to the built in one and it does fast forward so apparently it is an max player issue. Not sure how big of a deal it is to use the built in vs mx. I am hoping the issues I had with cinema and IPVanish will not be issues on this new stick but I will load the streamio tomorrow as a back up.
I hope you finally get it sorted. I have mx player pro. But for some reasons, it doesn’t always play well on Stremio, but is fine for my backup Cinema HD.
So, I read all about VLC and I have to say, it is really good for my purposes on Stremio. I like the fact that the small VlC on screen icon opens up a raft of items on the menu.
So, I have used the equaliser to improve the volume from some streams.
Stremio is definitely the way to go with RD.
Good luck.
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Thank you. Yes, I have the mx pro as well and I am not sure why it wouldn’t fast forward. For shows that show what happened in the previous episode, I like to fast forward past that and it just wouldn’t. I prefer the ease of cinema over Kodi and having to go through so many screens to even get to a show, so I am hoping that streamio is similar to cinema. I think my biggest frustration with all of this is that I don’t really understand how each component of streaming works so I don’t know which needs to be fixed when there is a problem. Heck, we didn’t even have computers when I was in school:joy:
I use the built in Stremio player optimized for the app and ff past all the junk at the beginning of an episode and straight into watching the new stuff. I never have had to use an external player for Stremio. In the years I’ve had it I’ve never had an issue. Oh sorry, on the very rare occassion I have ff through that stuff and started to watch the show and the sound is slightly out of sync. I simply back out of the episode, restart it immediately and the sound is back in sync. That’s rare though. The player always starts from where I left off.
I will be loading streamio later today. In the past I didn’t really have issues with cinema but I quit watching anything for a little over a year and ever since I started using the stick and reloaded everything to be sure it was new versions, I have had trouble. I really thought that getting a 4K (not max) would possibly resolve things bc people were saying that I was using my stick for too many years but it hasn’t. The few shows I tried to watch since starting to use it last night continue to have issues and stop every so often and buffer or just cut out. The only thing I know that would do that is the internet speed but I check it and it is between 250-300mbps so it shouldn’t be an issue to run a 1.5GB show even through a vpn on a stick that has almost nothing on it. I don’t know what else the issue could be at this point. New stick, newly loaded apps, great internet speed. I am so frustrated and confused. 
streamio is the answer.
FYI it’s Stremio. I don’t think the old Streamio app even exists any more. If you do a search here Troy has install instructions, vids and screen shots for set up and adding addons etc. Just do a search and read as well as watch the vids. I usually have the App installed on my device and watch Troy’s vids on my phone. That way I can pause stuff and if something confuses me I can rewind it. That way I can do the work on my device in slow steps and hopefully get it right. Now I also have Stremio installed on my phone, but never watch anything on my phone, I just use it to configure stuff as well as do the RealDebrid API key addition as it’s easier to copy and paste on my phone.
Have fun and STREAM ON!!!
Thank you for the correction, my phone autocorrected to add the a. I did start to watch the video to install stremio but he doesn’t list being able to sign up for an account through the stick or on iPhone and I don’t have a vpn installed on my pc since I rarely use it these days. So I guess I will have to do that before I can get started with this.
@Pawsrancher And I also include this step by step guide, to complement @Miki link. So easy to sit and set up as you read this.
I must try that: backing out of a video and immediately starting again. Good tip.
He does tell how to set it up on firestick but lost very specific devices that you can open a stremio account from and doing on the stick or an iPhone is not on the list.
Thanks, I will take a look. The issue I was talking about wasn’t setting the app up on the stick but rather, it was that there was a specific list of devices that you could use to start a stremio account on their website and an iPhone or doing on the stick wasn’t listed.
I am baffled by something and maybe one of you can shed some light on it for me - PLEASE. This morning I clicked to get thinks for an episode (using Cinema with RD) and several links came up but not one of them was the episode it was supposed to be. So just now I went back and tried again and now not one link will come up. I don’t understand what to fix to be able to get the links and have them be the actual episode it is supposed to be.
That is what sometimes happens. Try force stop and then clear cache on Cinema app.
Again, which version of Cinema are you using?
Using 2.6. I tried to find a version of 2.4 and found one in apk time but it had a ridiculous amount of invasive permissions. Do you know of one that doesn’t have those?
So it just is and isn’t a function of any part of the puzzle? I figured that something was responsible. When I first started with the stick in 2016, people told me different things. Some said that it was whatever vpn server you were using (as in the location that you were being viewed as being at) and others said it was the internet provider was messing with the stream. So that is why I was asking which piece of the puzzle was the cause.
I sent you a link a few posts ago with 2.6 ad free on unlinked app I am aware that many will highlight the dangers of some modded apps.
But i have trialled it successfully. But i always use a VPN.
And this is on unlinked called Endless apps.
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Or, try this unlinked store:96960000
It also has Cinema HD v 2.6 ad free. And has NFU ( No forced update). Added 24 Sept 2023 to his site.
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Thanks. I will look for that. I just don’t understand what the issue is or maybe I just have to accept that this is what I have to deal with since I can’t afford to pay ridiculous tv bills. I can’t even get through an hour without it cutting out. I have done everything everyone suggests as far as a new stick, newly loaded everything. Ugh!
I’m sure it is really frustrating. Maybe reset the device. Don’t install anything except Cinema, plus a vpn and try it.
It may be that your device just needs clearing.
If you are using the cinema app with RD from Troypoint and NOT the app I suggested, then you should not need a vpn. So, just install Cinema from Troypoint first of all.
If cinema HD works, then add your apps one at a Time. Every new app you add, test out cinema.
That way, you can identify whether an app is causing the issue, which should not be the case. Or, it could be that storage is low after you add an app and the device just cannot cope.
Sorry that this is a slow process of elimination. But might help identify the cause.
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