Advice please. New user. Which will be easier for me to install/use
Syncler or a kodi build ?
I have looked at synced, but can’t seem to get it to work. I feel like I’m going around in circles.
I haven’t got any idea with kodi, I haven’t used it for some years

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I recommend doing a search. Troy and @Jayhawks659 both have put up some amazing kodi guides. @Jayhawks659 even goes into additional settings and instructions. So search and read and if you can’t get Kodi after reading Troy’s and Jayhawks stuff, then I’d give up and try Syncler.



As a newer user to this stuff I’d take your time and read everything. Kodi isn’t hard just takes patience.

Syncler isn’t complicated but it’s installed process is frustrating.

Start with one read all the guides and learn from there. If you go down this road I’d highly suggest putting some money into real debrid. Everything kodi is in the post above. It’s hard to tell which is easier just depends how you learn. Just try both and take it from there.


I have downloaded syncler, but have struggled with the package. The code didn’t work. I’ve been on a loop. So I think I will try again with that. I certainly will be reading up more. Got to say I’m absolutely thrilled having found this forrum. I used some years ago now the beast build on kodi, but things change so quickly. Good time to refresh. And thank you

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Thank you for sharing this. I’ve plenty of time on my hands to be reading. I think I’ve decided to persevere with syncler firstly. I hate letting things beat me. The code didn’t work, on the free package it failed there. But I’m going back and trying again. But I’m interested in getting a build after, but I know I need to read up and find one for my needs.



Well you’re in the right place no matter what way you go for your streaming. Dracoo has given you a link to Syncler instructions and lots of help available when you search. Videos, instructions, and answers. Troypoint is a one stop source. Enjoy.

Have fun and STREAM ON.

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Brilliant thank you. Going to try again

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It’s always easier the 2nd time around.

Btw, Syncler+ user and love it!


I’m not looking to subscribe to anything at the moment. I’m just restarting. Its been along time since I used my firestick . I was totally gutted to find out how much things had changed. The program file linked had gone and was absolutely lost where to go

Welcome, my vote is also for Syncler…with Stremio right behind. Kodi is ok and valuable but not my goto. Biggest thing imho is Real Debrid<<< that makes everything sizzle :sunglasses:


Unfortunately for me thats a no go. I’m not working. So not looking to be paying out. Plus I think I need to understand how things work

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Tivimate and Syncler are about all you really need.


true, true ive got tivi recording missed shows from free providers :rofl:

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So far, I’ve got the rapid installer and file unlinked. I’ve downloaded a couple of things. Redbox being my go to

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It took a while for me to finally figure out the somewhat complicated process to install Syncler+, but I’ve now done it numerous times for all my devices and in my opinion is still the best option for watching movies and TV series - and I’ve been streaming for well over 5 years. It’s really not that difficult if you follow the directions - to the letter - in Troy’s article on it. If you have any problems with it, let me know and I’ll try to help.


Thank you, thats kind to offer. I’m going to have another go myself firstly. But should I fail I may well take you up on this.



Keep trying, you will get it just take your time on it, these cord cutting ventures arent the easiest but over repeated use it becomes easy.


Those are my 3 fav recommendations for tv and shows.

There is other stuff, check out and look at best free and paid apps, unlinked has what you need.

I have followed the instructions no less than 25 times with every combination of what the characters could be. I does NOT work with any combination of o’s, 0’s I’s l’s and so forth where it says login ID, which is the only place there to input anything except for optional device name. Should I cancel? Customer service is very poor.

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The login only works if you have bought a key for s+, assuming your taking about syncler plus.

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