How can I get to break my new Fire TV Stick 4K Max with no developer Option to get to?

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Use the search. This has been discussed a number of times and been answered.


I am less than 15 mins on here, what search are you talking about


Welcome to the insider. At the top of the page you are on is a magnifying glass. Click on that and a search opens. Then type in your search query.

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Thank You and found my answer

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Sorry. I missed the note saying this was your first post. Glad you found your answer. On the bottom of an answer is a “solution” check mark. So if my answer got you what you needed, please click the solution so that our moderator @TP-Dracoo can close the thread. Thanks



Welcome to the insider. I hope you enjoy lots of info, im going to post a helpful topic that as all your firestick needs, if you have issues feel free to come back.

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