Hey all hope your day is blessed. I wanted to get some feed back in Troy not doing fire sticks anymore. I have one in every room. Now I gotta change streaming devices. I’m a father of 4 so money is tight. What is the cheapest and most effective android device to get that Troy will help me program. And should I toss out my Firestick because I don’t know if it will work anymore. Any info will help. Thanks agin y’all


Okay, if your firesticks are working then dont worry about it.

Im assuming you have netflix and all that the sticks are just fine for that stuff… dont swap them out unless absolutely necessary. They arent recommend for customization. But you can still side load a few apps. Dont panic.


He’s just not going to focus on them as much as he has done in the past. he said he would still be doing vid and stuff about them. He is just not recommending them as the go-to streaming device.

" Firestick Not Recommended Anymore

We will still provide tutorials on Fire TV devices but we will no longer recommend them moving forward.

Moving forward, you will see a lot more Android TV device tutorials and reviews from us.

I explain this decision in detail within my “Troy’s Thoughts - Android TV or Fire TV” section of this updated article."

Android TV vs Fire TV – A Complete Breakdown for 2023 (troypoint.com)


What do you normally watch on your Firesticks? If you already have them setup and good to go, like Dracoo and PF said, you never have to get rid of them if you don’t want. This is more pointed at those who want a complete custom stick/box, with everything sideloaded. Troy still promotes verified apps and ways to watch content that isn’t based on sideloading unverified apks, etc. If Discovery + or Disney + is the most important to you, for example, Firesticks likely will always be perfect for that.


You don’t need to worry. There are still those of us heavily invested in the FireTV OS and that won’t change over night. The issues that most complain about are starting to appear on the GoogleTV devices and that’s not changing. How deep will this go? Noone knows, like the FireTV we’ll have to wait and see. Policies are already out showing that they’re going to put stricter controls on 3rd party app use and what will be available. This includes forced updates “for your security and safety” they’re saying.


I’ve got 2 of the 1st Gen Fire TV Cubes and a 3 Firestick 4K’s and all doing great, you should still be able to use your devices well into the future unless they are really old ones that run like a tractor, only then it would probably be time to look at an upgrade :slight_smile:

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it :+1:


My kids are all grown up but today it might be cheaper to get new kids :face_with_diagonal_mouth:…just kiddin’ …Miki is here for all the firestick stuff and Troy wont jump ship :grimacing:…well lets hope not :skull_and_crossbones:


Miki finally has had enough! lol
Untitled video (1)


I don’t believe it’s so much the fact that @TROYPOINT is getting rid of Firestick totally. It sounds like due to them constantly changing their OS to circumvent the downloading of third party apps, it’s just won’t be recommended much anymore. The Firestick information will still be on here as @TP-Dracoo has gone over everything and left it available. This pretty much sums up what I was trying to explain


Don’t worry, the firesticks will continue to work just fine for 99% of us. If that changes in the future (I doubt it) then that would be a disaster for me, too!


With that said i will always try to update guides and info on here. Always pm me if something needs changing.


As my post stated, I will still do many Firestick Tutorials but we won’t be recommending them anymore due to Amazon clamping down on everything. We haven’t seen anything from Android TV to make us believe that they will be doing the same. Yeah, they are pushing adverts on us but they haven’t locked anything down like Amazon has. Android has always been very open with their phones and tablets and they have never gone to extremes like Amazon is.


I got an email from Google regarding their new policies, and they clearly state that they will be updating their stuff whether you allow it or not, and if they scan your system and find a 3rd party app that they consider unsafe they will disable it. I read it and deleted. Wish now I’d saved it, as I’m afraid they are heading down the exact same rabbit hole as Amazon, and I could have quoted that info for everyone. Going to be an interesting summer.

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sad days sounds like but I for one will not be denied my right to fight… STREAM ON!!!

Exactly nor should you.
Have fun and STREAM ON.

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What if they deem an app that I paid money for “unsafe”. Will they reimburse me my money? What if I have important doc, pics, videos, etc. stored in an app they deem “unsafe”. How will they justify destroying my information?

Same questions I have. I couldn’t get any clarification so I’ll have to wait to see how this all plays out and how the AI in GoogleTV will work.

After reading Troy’s post two or three times I can’t find anywhere that absolutely States that they’re not going to recommend the Fire TV or Fire Sticks anymore. With that said, in this topic Troy made it clear that they’re not going to recommend the Fire TV or the fire stick anymore due to Amazon’s restrictions. Shout out to PFs precognition. It’ll be interesting to see exactly what devices Troy replaces the Amazon Fire stick with. :sunglasses::sunglasses:

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It’s one thing to no longer offer an app, but to literally go into someone’s property and take it away seems anti-Constitutional?

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It sure does. Going to be an interesting summer.