Recently sign up for real debrid.Have concast/ Xfinity 1.2 tb limit.says usually use around 700 a month.Now have gotten emails saying am at 90 percent limit.have only watch a few movies with rd,but go to download page of real debrid and it’s says I have downloaded about 350 movies,some the same movie about 20 times over.only remember watching a few that were on there.what am I doing wrong?
sounds like someone hacked your account…
Couple of things here. Firstly, if you have a data cap then I would consider going into your add-on settings and changing your maximum resolution setting to 1080 or even 720 so the results are only giving you smaller file sizes.
If you aren’t already, use Real Debrid and set up your addon to play cached torrents only. You can also choose to select the best source automatically and begin playing automatically instead of going through a source list.
If you are clicking multiple links trying to find the best one then it is probably still caching each of those sources. Don’t do that. I strongly suggest turning on “choose primary link automatically” in the real debrid settings within the ResolveURL settings page and change your default playback option to auto play AFTER you’ve changed your maximum resolution settings.
Different addons have different settings. Some may give you the option to limit the file sizes of your results. If you turn on the auto play feature then I strongly suggest you find an addon that can limit your file sizes in the search results. Otherwise, click one link and let it play. If it’s not working, make sure to STOP playback before clocking on a different link.
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Post hopefully deleted by original poster
Post deleted by original poster.
Don’t post pictures or names of specific movies or shows. It is a violation of the forum rules. I’ll reply with more in a bit.
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I recall a few months back trying a movie apk not sure which one maybe onstream, anyways I noticed shortly after every time I pushed play to gather links, all those links would show up on my RD account as downloads. I’ve never had that happen before on any other app so I just stopped using it and deleted it. Usually use Kodi so didn’t really need it anyway.
Sorry,edited posts. I did put it on a few different apps on Kodi,as seems work best on them .Tried on Btv and Ttv also but no links come up.
So, this is an older issue, but real debrid does have an issue with apps or addons setup to auto resolve links. Make sure that isn’t your issue. This is probably what is causing the same thing to show up multiple times. Most Kodi addons have changed this so it’s no longer an issue.
Also, watch my video on how to setup Kodi and the crew addon. The setup is similar for all addons. Again, I strongly recommend streaming cached torrents only. That way you are only streaming one file directly from the real debrid servers.
And finally, login on the real debrid website. Change your account password. Then go to your devices and delete all of them. Then open up your addon on your device and reauthorize.
Oh, and also make sure if you are using a VPN that scrambling is off. Your connection needs to be steady with one single server. Now that I’m thinking about it, this is probably your issue. Real Debrid tracks the IP address being used. If your VPN is constantly switching then it’s initiating the download again every time your IP changes.
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Watched video,will try some of that.
Changed password a few hours ago.
Shows ip address of movies downloaded and it’s the same for all 30 links of same movie.
Deleted all connections to it from my account on their website,and went to most every app and disconnected it also last night. Haven’t watched or used it in 2 days.yet says I have used 4.41 gbs today.
Yeah, sounds like you definitely needed to delete all linked devices from your account online and change your password. Maybe after doing that, leave it alone for a few days and check your activity. You didn’t have a VPN on when you signed up for Real Debrid did you?
In my opinion it sounds like auto resolve is activated on whatever application or Kodi addon you are using.
I have noticed that some applications auto resolve links, especially those from hosters like rapidgator.
This will show up as multiple downloads of the same movie or episode you are watching.
Please check the settings of your applications and Kodi addons. Try to disable a feature that resembles anything remotely like the feature posted in the link provided by Jayhawks above.
Can’t really remember if I had VPN on or not,though seems I do remember reading before u should have it off when sign up.Probably did have it off though,as I do have sshrk but seems I have to turn it off every couple hours now to actually use internet or it won’t even go to websites.Sure others maybe fine with sshrk,but my 2 years runs out in 2 months and will be looking elsewhere.
What addon are you using? I just downloaded FEN. In the playback settings section there’s an option for “Limit resolve attempts to selected result only”. Turn that on if you’re using FEN.
Maybe that was the problem,I tried a bunch of different apps all at once.Am using Kodi 20.2.Tried fen and seren but didn’t care for either 1,though read reviews they were the best.So 1s I tried and liked the best were magic dragon and asgard.With those 2 the links came up very easily and when I clicked on them played almost right away. Also tried the crew but on that 1 most of the links on would say “torrent” in pink and I would click on it and it would say something like downloading torrent but I would stop and it would say something like “do u want torrent to continue to download in background” and would click no.So maybe that was the problem,maybe it downloaded anyway,though I know I didn’t click on it 30 times.Unfortunately on the rd website that shows all the downloads it says I did,it doesn’t list what app they were from.
Again also tried btv and Ttv but rd links wouldn’t come up.l will look limit resolver on every app if I decide to use rd any more.
If you use Kodi, make sure to turn on Cached torrents only in the settings of the addon that you are using.
This will prevent the downloading of uncached torrents on your RD account.
If you use apps like Bee TV, I honestly don’t know you can limit the auto resolving of hoster links in the app. I did a little research the other day and I don’t see a way to limit them, so you will most likely see a ton of downloads on your account.
Anybody know of a way to prevent hosters, like rapidgator, from auto resolving in an app without a setting to do so?
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I take it you’re using the paid version of RD and not the free version?
If anyone is interested,I waited a few days to reconnect rd and started with no downloads and no data use this month.So signed in thru ResolveURL with rd on Kodi,whereas before I signed in to each individual app on Kodi.Seems like if you do that it plays thru each as if you connected thru each separately,at least on the apps I tried on Kodi-MD,Asgard, Patriot.Didnt seem to work on Fen though.So links came up on those and clicked on a couple movies,only played a few minutes of each or ff thru it.Then checked rd wesite showed I had download each movie only once,but had used 3.17 gb for the day So guess it downloads and counts total data of any movie you click no matter how little you watch.Still at 2 or 3 movies a day guess that should be about 90- 100 gbs a day,still no where near the 157 they say I used last month and know I only watch maybe 10 movies with it,so don’t know what’s up with that.Then sign into Btv with rd,click on a couple movies,didn’t even play any,then checked rd website and there it downloaded each movie about 30 times each,so that’s obviously where that was coming from,so won’t be using Btv with I guess.Though even though it downloaded all those different times,says I used 1.5 more gbs,and don’t know if downloading all them increases data use,but it is annoying anyway.