It’s a daunting task trying to wrap my head around the whole idea of “streaming TV”. With so many acronyms like “OTT”, “SVOD”, “AVOD” and “vMVPD”, let alone numerous streaming providers, services and devices, it is difficult to put it all together in one cohesive description.

So, I wonder if anyone knows of a single resource, diagram or other infographic that helps explain how streaming TV works. Just have a look at my notes to get a better idea of how complicated it is.

Thanks in advance!



The best answer I can give you is this.

Streaming is basically internet based television movies and TV shows. So everything you normally do but bordcasted over internet instead of cable boxes and satellites.

Everything pre recorded on accused through servers for faster delivery.

The acronyms are just short term wording for internet protocol television. That also includes pay per view video on demand.

It’s everything funneled through internet. What exactly do you need? Are you trying to get into the world of iptv vod and ppv over the internet?


Streaming is not as daunting as it seems. Try not to over think it and over complicate it. I know that sounds easier said than done, but it really isn’t. Try not to understand and do everything at one time. Start simple and work from there. I started with Prime Video. From there I bought an Android TV box and started working with Kodi and builds. Now I have an android box, a VPN, Real-Debrid, an IPTV service, and addons for Kodi. I now watch whatever movies, tv shows, and sports I want, when I want. There is going to be a learning curve and frustration, but don’t give up. Keep working at it and you will get it. The longer you do it and work with it, the easier it will become. There are so many resources available on this site, use them to guide you through the process step by step and I think you will be fine. Good luck and don’t forget about the search function and asking questions to fellow insiders who are willing to help any time.


Personally I think there is a great source for information and answers regarding all that is streaming if I do say so myself, and I’m proud to be part of it. TROYPOINT INSIDER. A ragtag community of like minded individuals who simply love to share their knowledge. So get that paper out, keep notes, and keep those questions coming. Cause baby it’s cold outside and we have all the hot topics.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and above all STREAM ON.


Just when you think you got it all figured out then…?


I kind of explain it a little in the beginning of my video on Tivimate.


i struggled mightly untill i found troypoint – severals years ago – while there is more to learn
the reasons i started this and my goals understanding iptv and making kodi work got answered by troy and i do all those things well now due to that and have learned a ton more that i dint even have a clue about ---- there are a couple other guys out there but they dont do it as well as troy does
and a few of them are down right nasty if you meantion troy the jealousy runs deep in them so if you are here you are in the best place you will find!!!


Haha are you a mad scientist or a ingenious nerd :nerd_face:?? Those notes are fantastic :clap:. You should receive stars for paying attention! Cheers to you. I did notice, it all boiled down to iptv service LOL :laughing: :sweat_smile:! Nice notes!

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Hey DarrylG, just foolin’ with ya. Hope I didn’t overstep my bounds? lol
By George


Your comment made me laugh so hard, so THANK YOU! That was one of the nicest moments I’ve experienced online… the laugh and to be reassured I’m on the right track.

I run a website where visitors are about 50-60 years of age on average and who are open to learning about streaming TV. The notes are for my understanding so I can make my own article, tailored to them, to understanding IPTV.

Thanks for reading and thanks even more for the laugh!


No, not at all! That was hilarious! I gotta say, I’m really happy I joined this group and made that post. IT’s a lonely world out there online otherwise. I liked your post and sense of humour. All good!


I turn 70 this June. So I am part of that blue haired group! Happy hours and 2 for one are my activities now-a-days! lol


I just turned 67. Omg you are an old fart. Lol. PF I am pleased to have met you. Please have a wonderful and fun season.


I will be 76 next week.

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Just when I thought I was 'Old school :school:! Who knew, I’d be running with some more 'Old folks! I admire your challenge of running your msg board(PLEASE invite me). I ran a BBS(if you can remember) back in the late 70’s - mid 90’s. I think thats when the internet went full bloom. It was a BALL! I probably had 250+ users since I was running like 4 phone lines. It was too much fun(phun)! Ask me and ill give you the name. Maybe you were in that group :thinking:! Talking :lips: 'bout “Happy Days”. Was a time I will and never have forgot. Safe days to all of you! Take care :slightly_smiling_face::heart:.


:christmas_tree::santa::evergreen_tree:Have great new year!


Ok that’s it. I’m asking Troy if he can start an old farts section dedicated to all of us dinosours ( not a spelling mistake) . Troyinsider is a great place to keep us young and challenged. Thanks to all those involved, both who I know, and those I’ve yet to, please enjoy everything you can, give if you can, and accept when you can.


Add me to the old fart group. 67 here. Been streaming for about 7 years now thanks to Troy. He has been my go-to for any and all things streaming. This site is awesome!


Great idea. What benefits do we elderly geniuses get !!!

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